Miscellaneous > The Lounge

an IM From our veryown TROLL

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Microsoft Corperating hasn't add me yet, so I've added him  :D

Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Are you insane?

I got a picture of that fag Bill Gates in my mail box today from that Prick Troll.

Don't cross me fucker.

This guy must be on medication or something, just keep taking the Lithium boy.

He's an idiot :[ , He claims to be "Preaching the Microsoft Gospel" but he's copy and pasting articles and claiming them as his own, tsk tsk.


quote:Zardoz: I got a picture of that fag Bill Gates in my mail box today from that Prick Troll.
--- End quote ---

You too? I thought it was pretty cool. No, not Bill Gates himself, but the fact that he looks pretty old  :D


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