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Poll: your fav' movies.

(1/10) > >>

Your top 10 films.

Trilogies DO NOT count as one film!

They dont have to be in order. Understand that to get a true meaning of what you like in a film, we would have to do the 100, and that my friends takes preparation (took me 1 week!).

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Shining
Apocalypse now redux
Matrix Reloaded
Lord of the Rings Fellowship
Lord of the Rings Two towers
Seven Samurai
Deer Hunter

Phew! there were some hard coices to make there


Dune was really long, I meant to see it but didn't. Also, I don't think that I could get a list of ten movies, so I only have five.

Fight Club
Truman Show
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Cast Away
X-Men 2


quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:
Dune was really long, I meant to see it but didn't. Also, I don't think that I could get a list of ten movies, so I only have five.

Fight Club
Truman Show
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Cast Away
X-Men 2
--- End quote ---

I'm dissapointed in you

M51DPS must try harder   :D  

Fight club is cool

dune pales to the book. so i hate that movie.

Vanilla Sky
Godfather 2
Fight Club
Any movie by Stanely Kubrik   ;)  
Run Lola Run (german version, subtitles)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Matrix Reloaded
Fellowship of the Ring

damn. this is a hard list

[ July 18, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]

Empire Strikes back
12 Monkeys
Big Lebowski
Yellow Submarine
Dr. Strangelove
Fight Club
Chasing Amy
Clocwork Orange
Nigtmare Before Christmas

That'll work...


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