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Poll: your fav' movies.

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"Metropolis"? Never heard of that. What is it about?


forget about Blade runner, Star wars, etc.... this is the Grandady of all sci-fi and it was made in 1927, it's silent, it's long but well worth watching. Think it inspired a lot of people, I'm sure it inspired George Orwell's 1984, Aldous Huxley etc.....

There's a re-mastered version on DVD


hope you like the noisy site I sent you to    :D

[ July 21, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]


Indeed, very good.

I have the first edition English translation of the book - Fritz Lang's (the director) wife wrote it.

Nosferatau anyone?

Battleship Potemkin - brillaint , another Russian classic.

Koyaanisqatsi - first class.  Sequels... ummm not so good I think - Koyaanisqatsi was 10 years in the making after all.

Oh and from Amerika... Nightmare on Elm Street (Excluding the second one).


PS.  I thought I'd mention "Carry On" and watch this thread degenerate... hahaha

Treasure that book    ;)    

Nosferatau  Also very good, have you seen the mordern take (sort of) with John Malkovic?

Battleship Potemkin, no I haven't seen it all the way through, I like to.

quote: Koyaanisqatsi was 10 years in the making after all
--- End quote ---

I didn't know that. Haven't seen the latest one, you don't think it's all that good?

Which carry on? My personal fav is "Carry on up the Khyber" very irreverant, very un-pc now   :D  

Ohhh Matron!

[ July 21, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

I've seen the sequel, Powakatsi (spelling????) and didn't think it was a patch on Koyaanisqatsi.

The book of Metropolis isn't that well written, maybe to do with translation.

One film much better than the book is Farenheit 541, another fave.

Khyber... yeah.  Carry On Cleo is good too.

Ask me for a double entedre and I'll give you one!   :D


[ July 22, 2003: Message edited by: oolooz ]


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