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Poll: your fav' movies.
Star Wars A New Hope
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Attack of the Clones
Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek The Wrath of Khan
The Matrix
Indiana Jones Last Crusade
EDIT: forgot all about comedy movies, but I can't think of any I like at the moment, but there are quite a few.
[ July 19, 2003: Message edited by: The member formerly known as Macman ]
This summer, the best one that I've watched is 2 Fast 2 Furious
Knocking On The Heaven's Door
Saving Private Ryan
The Matrix
War (that's a Russian movie - "Voyna", don't think you saw it)
Fight Club
Men In Black
hmm... I guess that's all I can include in my "Best..." list
Wow, amazing how people like so many movies i like here... must be the influence of using Linux or something so here it goes:
Fight Club
Saving Private Ryan
Lord of the rings (all of em)
I'm alos a huge Beatle fan, so I like their movies (Making of Imagine, Help, Yellow Submarine, etc) just to watch when i have little else to do...
Oh yeah, Nightmare Before Christmas was good too. I just made up my list in five minutes, but all of those movies were excellent.
EDIT: I just saw Pirates of the Carribean today. That was a really good movie.
[ July 19, 2003: Message edited by: M51DPS ]
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