Miscellaneous > The Lounge
The Space Shuttle has crashed
look. there's a big difference between taking terrorist actions against innocents because your people are being opressed and nobody gives a fuck and it's your last option, and taking terrorist actions against innocents because you haven't had a war in a few years and you want to test out your new weapons.
Neither is defensible but only one can be empathised with (unless you're a cunt).
I feel it is somehow disrespectful to start this up in this thread though. don't you? keep it to the 2x2=? thread or start a new one i think.
I heard body parts were found. Doesn't it seem like the crew would have been incinerated before they reached the ground?
apparently the stuff that insulates you and stops you being incinerated still does its job (at least partially) even if the craft is breaking up, which is kind of a mixed blessing. bad if you're in it, but a sign of good engineering (that's not supposed to be ironic, it's bloody hard to get it 100% right i bet and i think the success rate so far is pretty good).
quote:Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob:
I heard body parts were found. Doesn't it seem like the crew would have been incinerated before they reached the ground?
--- End quote ---
I just posted a story about that. Some kid in Texas found a scorched leg...
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