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The Space Shuttle has crashed

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I'm old enough to remember statying home from school to watch the news on the Challenger explosion.

Astronauts have always had my respect for their bravery.

i wasn't born till after the challenger accident (i was born in 87), someone tell me: are you getting the same reactions/feelings to this as u did back then?

i stayed home to watch the first shuttle launch.
i saw the challenger crash as well.
i think it was a bit harder to see the shuttle spread across the sky then to just see it blow up.
i only hope it was a quick death for them.

I thought the reporters asking about terrorist was hilarious. What a bunch of dumbasses. Them and the people that think we should down the shuttles permanently.

Two accidents out of 120 something successful missions. That's pretty damn good for the FIRST EVER reusable space vehicle.


quote:Originally posted by Siplus:
i wasn't born till after the challenger accident (i was born in 87), someone tell me: are you getting the same reactions/feelings to this as u did back then?
--- End quote ---

I came home from school that day and the news on Challenger was the first I heard on the radio.


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