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HEY! www.unixsucks.com
dual G4 800Mhz
2 80GB Hardrives
1.12GB RAM
GeForce 3 64MB VRAM
(shitty but functional) Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 73 monitor.
Old Altec Lansing iMac speakers. They still freakin rock! Best speakers I ever owned :D
Running Jag, OS9, YDL(rearly, oh so rearly).
This is the second best computer I have ever owned. I don't see myself using something else for a VERY long time.
Other Comps:
Centris 650
500MB HD
OS 7.5
Floppy Drive
This is the best damn comp I have ever owned. It's the one that made me like Mac's and computers in general. It is probably one of the best built computers I have ever seen, opening up the case reveals some masterfull design and engeneering, kinda like opening up an old car. Comp's just aren't made this way anymore.
This computer rearly crashed and has never broken down. Yes, it was STABLE! Not OSX but darn close, rearly did I ever crash it. I love that old comp :D
Yet other comps:
Old ass 486
don't even know the specs.
I used it to play DW4 on Nesticle. That was about it. It ran Win 3.1 and last I heard it was serving a friend of mine as a Linux box. He has a nice window manager installed and everything, says it's a great general purpose comp.
Yet even more comps:
PPC 7500
Video Powerhouse.
Yes this 100Mhz wonder can edit video with the best of them. It was built for the task, can't run OSX but can run OS9. It's slow for just about anything except video, the card in it is still top notch. You can even put in super high speed SCSI HD's in the sucker. Good box.
Now used as a video storage and CD burning station.
iMac 233
Worst comp. I ever owned!!!
Screen fucked up early in it's life (the day the warantie expired!!!!), worst Mac ever!!! I seriously considerd getting a WinTell box. It now actullay is doing time as a Web server. It's not a bad one either, i guess the little guy finaly found it's calling Like I said, not much of a desktop, great low-end workhorse.
Apple IIe:
I still have it, the same one that my litte hands touched when I was 6. I have boxes uppon boxes of software for it.
I still love booting it up and looking at that Green Screen. I love the look of it. Something about that Retro, Matrix, Green. Ahhh...
PC's weren't ever that cool Most had piss yellow text, not GREEN mmmmmm
That's about it.
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