Author Topic: Why do people make gates look good?  (Read 1643 times)


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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #15 on: 30 November 2002, 12:12 »
hes already living on borrorowed time, he has some disease that makes him live way shorter then he's supposed to. and besides, if you do go off the deep end. can you please tell mr hollings and mr fritz hello. and please please tell mr. valentini and mrs rosen what horrible people they are?
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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #16 on: 1 December 2002, 04:14 »
and what kind of disease is that? Lead poisoning, perhaps?  :D    :D
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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #17 on: 1 December 2002, 12:38 »
Gates might not die from natural causes, he would have to be killed, he has lots of money, and could easily have extensive surgery.


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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #18 on: 1 December 2002, 21:12 »
chaos... "Fritz" and "Hollings" are the same worthless motherfucker. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, biggest turd since the last hairball that Hollywood coughed up. How the Hell did the West Coast Congress manage to own a North Carolina senator? Oh yeah. Hollings is a shill, I forgot! How silly of me!

Oh well, fuck the Senate. They're a bunch of rich kids that need an attitude adjustment and/or something large, hard, and sharp shoved up their asses. I hate our government, especially the shiteater GOP.

To the Englishmen here, can we borrow some of your legislators for a little bit?

Gates... don't get me started. He's where he is today because he was in the right place at the right time. IBM came to him and he promised an OS, then ran out and bought the worst one he could find, and sold it to 'em. Gates might have been a programmer back in the day, now all he thinks about is business, business, business.

Can't anybody do anything anymore without business being in the way?

 Windows later replaced basic and Microsoft began to introduce application software, such as Word and Excel. Later the company developed all kind of programs including games.

No, actually, I think it was more along the lines of, Bill wanted to break into the app market with Mac software, then ported it all to the PC, but had to build Windows to do it, stole a whole awful lot of the classic Mac API to do it, threw it on top of dos, and then a little later, ported all the apps to dos anyway. Word, Excel, they all came from Mac versions way back in the day.

 Basic became the world standard for the computer industry. Strictly speaking there was only one competitor: Apple's "Mac", but this company only sold well in the graphic industry.  

What about the Ataris, the Commodores, the Apple IIs, the Amigas, all the PCs that at that time were, in fact, quite popular. Moreso than "PCs" because the IBM PC was the biggest piece of trash available thanks to crappy ass architecture and shit hole MS-DOS. Not BASIC you dolt... DOS!!! MS-DOS was the OS. GW-BASIC was an extra-cost addition, typically. QBASIC that came with DOS5 was proprietary and was hardly an "industry standard".

Get your facts straight, or bog off.

[ December 01, 2002: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Mac Commando ]

Go the fuck ~


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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #19 on: 1 December 2002, 23:37 »
The only industry standard i seem to remember gates coming up with was the rimjob... and as for killing him, dont Borg drones have shields that adapt to that kind of shit.. i mean, the lawsuit bounced right off his sorry ass... someone just needs to make him eat that precious little Mac of his!
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<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Why do people make gates look good?
« Reply #20 on: 2 December 2002, 00:30 »
Originally posted by The Rev. Annorax:
The only industry standard i seem to remember gates coming up with was the rimjob... and as for killing him, dont Borg drones have shields that adapt to that kind of shit.. i mean, the lawsuit bounced right off his sorry ass... someone just needs to make him eat that precious little Mac of his!

You'd have to shoot the lawsuit at him with a Starfleet-issue I-Mod (Infinity Modulator).