Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Allright. The lighter side of this web site. The Nickname game.
This is all in good fun and all in good humor.
Here is how it goes.
The next post will have a nick name or a comment (bad or good) about me. The post after that will have a nickname or a comment for the previous poster.
So lets say person A replies after me, about me, Person B will reply about Person A. Person C will reply to person B and so on.
Make the nicknames or comments as bas as you want them. This is all in good humor.
*Hey dickheads what can i say. I dont post in any other forum. Kill me.*
[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
You're fat.
Quirk likes XP.
VoidMan wears polyester and always hums "They spy on us".
Master of Reality:
*/me wouldnt dare do much more than just an ironic play on some peoples misconceptions of the former "voidmain"'s name*
[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / B0B ]
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