Author Topic: Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)  (Read 4319 times)


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I'm beginning to miss the point of posting here. What exactly are we doing to Microsoft by talking about it again and again, with only five or six people that actually read all the posts? I understand the whole "we must come together to achieve our ultimate goal" thing, but what the hell's the point of all this? I'm tired of arguing with ignorant Windows users, im tired trying not to argue with trolls, im tired of trying to decipher X11's posts, and most of all, im tired of feeling like we've all been exiled here as outcasts for not using Microsoft products. What ever happened to the good old days when the webmaster posted, calum hated me, zombie was still defining what a troll was, linux user was evil, and I was just a hopeless newb with a crummy site? Now this place is filled to the brim with thirteen-year-old "junior members" who think this is some kind of game, endless amounts of X11 posts, and just general stupidity.

:-P i think i need a vacation.

[ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]

[ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob ]


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #1 on: 3 February 2003, 13:54 »
It sint just about hurting microsoft, its about keeping morale up by letting each other know that we arent the only ones who despise the company.
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #2 on: 3 February 2003, 14:52 »
Originally posted by ThePreacher:
It sint just about hurting microsoft, its about keeping morale up by letting each other know that we arent the only ones who despise the company.

All right! I get it! Now what?


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #3 on: 3 February 2003, 14:56 »
Its because of a few reasons that this forum is loosing it.

a) people never do anything
b) people seem to live to far apart to do anything
c) people seem to not care.

Macman, I have said the same thing over and over join us we need to actualy think of somthing serious we can do about Microsoft.

Any Ideas? (Practical ones, yes geeks absolutely no suggestions of building a railgun to shoot bill or some other trekkie, star wars nut, or other lotr ttt idea, NONE).


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #4 on: 3 February 2003, 15:02 »
Im sick of you people bitching.

Can't you just hang out? Interesting things get said, and it's a good place to discuss news and related material with "friends"

I dunno, I like the forum regulars, I like to read interesting threads. So what if it's not what the MES once was, it's something a bit diffrent but not bad.

Besides, M$ has been on the way out lately.

In any case, stop bitchin, sit back, enjoy the show.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #5 on: 3 February 2003, 17:28 »
i feel that this forum is a good way to pool knowledge and find out about current events in technology. that's always been the point for me, although i do know that a few notable forum regulators have started coming here less and less because of the fact that most of the posts and new topics here these days are utterly pointless.
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #6 on: 4 February 2003, 01:06 »
This place is nothing but a joke now. Why do you think I don't come around here very often anymore.

Master of Reality

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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #7 on: 4 February 2003, 01:14 »
that post made completely no sense. Why would you post saying that you dont post.

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  HYPOCRITE, n.  One who, profession virtues that he does not respect
  secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises.

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #8 on: 4 February 2003, 01:17 »
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
that post made completely no sense. Why would you post saying that you dont post.


[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Are you on fucking crack or what? I said that "I don't visit this place very often anymore". I didn't say "I don't post here at all" you fucking dimwit.

(EDIT)The people here who lack common sense(like MOR) are the reason why this place is such a joke. They always put words in your mouth because they are too damn young to comprehend what they read.

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #9 on: 4 February 2003, 02:05 »
this forum was moving in a good direction. the MES Faq for one, was a great idea. also, the endless debates between windoids & zealots was informative even during its most annoying displays of pure arrogance & trollish behavior.
it really seems that noone gives a fuck anymore. i certainly do not want to see this forum turn into another digital wasteland. more updating. i say more info. more help. less, "fuck off stupid lamer windoid, phear me and my 733tisT attitood." though, im not really in a position to say anything. i do the same thing. mac commando & all that. and updating is a pain in the ass, especially when you have a life, and the webmaster appears to have that  ;)


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #10 on: 4 February 2003, 03:00 »
Originally posted by X11: I pop a cap in yo ass:
Its because of a few reasons that this forum is loosing it.

a) people never do anything
b) people seem to live to far apart to do anything
c) people seem to not care.

Macman, I have said the same thing over and over join us we need to actualy think of somthing serious we can do about Microsoft.

Any Ideas? (Practical ones, yes geeks absolutely no suggestions of building a railgun to shoot bill or some other trekkie, star wars nut, or other lotr ttt idea, NONE).

What exactly can we do that's not illegal besides suicide bombing? Or is that now illegal too?? The only thing I can think of is some petition, but there are already enough of those and they don't do anything anyway. If Microsoft was vulnerable to us "commonfolk", someone would already have come up with something.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #11 on: 4 February 2003, 03:30 »
What these forums certainly lack is support from the Webmaster himself, who doesn't seem to really care anymore. Take a look at the homepage of this site for example, which hasn't been updated for I don't know how long. The only thing that is updated regularly, is the "Microsoft in the News section".


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #12 on: 4 February 2003, 03:47 »
Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob:

What exactly can we do that's not illegal besides suicide bombing? Or is that now illegal too?? The only thing I can think of is some petition, but there are already enough of those and they don't do anything anyway. If Microsoft was vulnerable to us "commonfolk", someone would already have come up with something.

people have to learn the truth. but they also have to presented with an alternative. i know, everyone is saying linux!!! the only alternative. but linux is not easy. its not windows easy. online petitions are a joke. physical documents might help. pamphlets, flyers, a full-on media assault. so that everywhere people go, they are surrounded by info regarding microsofts malicious business practices, comparisons of their software to the alternatives, and where to get the alternatives. explanations of "Open Source Software" and "Free Software", explanations of the windows EULA. something physical and real. the only reason people flock to windows is because microsft has a presence everywhere. everywhere i turn, its microsoft. maybe we can reproduce that. then at least we can avoid suicide bombing their buildings  ;)


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #13 on: 4 February 2003, 08:18 »
We need to purcahse the Enterprise and fly it into the Microsoft HQ.

I mean... Ahem. Just kidding.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #14 on: 4 February 2003, 21:03 »
Nice thinking 99.

Ever heard of protest, we dress up in penguin suits (Ok mac people can make hats out of iMacs or make a G4 suit.) and then we chain ourselfs up in there lobby yelling "Join us now and share the software, you'll be free, you will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" (ect)