Author Topic: Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)  (Read 4321 times)


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #30 on: 5 February 2003, 04:15 »
GREAT IDEA! I'd also be more than happy to contribute, should you decide to implement it.  


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #31 on: 5 February 2003, 04:31 »
ok first we need space to setup shop and a name.
my thoughts are we dont want to alienate ma and pa public, so i dont think we should use and negative inuendos in the name. also i dont think we should use microsoft in the title as well, i think it would  serve the cause better to distance ourselves from m$.
maybe a name like "linux users united" or "alternative desktops" or "free your computer"
you get the idea. also ill pitch in $20 for the name registration.
we may need to incorporate at some time in the future. its not very difficult so im not worried about it at this time. its also not very expensive to do, of course fees vary depending on the state.
we may want to incorporate outside the u.s.a. but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

so we need names everyone. ill start a new post so we can keep it striaght.  ill titla the new post names for the cause.
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #32 on: 5 February 2003, 04:34 »
yeah, it was a bit more interesting 6 or so months ago, but big deal. that was summer time. alot of people had alot more time then. just wait untill summer comes around agian. i know school got rid of alot of my excess time
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #33 on: 5 February 2003, 10:32 »
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
We need another name for the forums though. "" or something. Fuckmicrosoft is too vulgar and shocking.

But I do agree with Avello's idea. The webmaster is a very good writer, so maybe he could write it? I'll try and talk him into it.    :D  

Yeah good point, then i could check the forums at school and such.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #34 on: 5 February 2003, 13:57 »
Im sick of you people bitching.

Can't you just hang out? Interesting things get said, and it's a good place to discuss news and related material with "friends"

I dunno, I like the forum regulars, I like to read interesting threads. So what if it's not what the MES once was, it's something a bit diffrent but not bad.
This is true indeed. I've been coming here for quite awhile now, and things have changed, on the forums as well as in the world at large.

When I signed on, there was no Lindows, no Linux-ready PCs being marketed (not by Wal-Mart, where most of the atechnological public can actually get a look at a Linux system) no Lycoris, no ELX: Red Hat was still a server distro whose developers had no intention of doing a desktop distro that was "Linux-virgin" user-friendly. There was no partnership between Red Hat and Big Blue. For better or worse, the Linux community was all on its own without the major corporation backing that most IT managers and other corporate pencil-pushers need to feel secure with adopting Linux. There was no mention of Linux on the financial television networks that attract the attention of businessmen and managers. There was just the lone-wolf Mandrake that attempted to be the user's Linux. Also, there was no Microsoft Windows Product Activation, no License 6, no "phone-home" Windows Media Player. It was the lone cry in the wilderness indeed that criticized the mighty Microsoft. At this time, all the press was giving accolades to "Whistler" (soon to be Windows XP), all saying how this was going to be the best Windows ever, and be a bigger event than the release of Win 95. There was no voice to the contrary. There were no governments debating on whether or not to go Linux and support Open Source. There was just this little web site with me and a couple score other members. Hell, I remember when the Webmaster could actually personally answer our E-Mails!

A lot has changed since then. Perhaps we had some little part in it, but attitudes towards, and perceptions of M$ have definitely changed since then. If this site seems to be getting somewhat "lame", take it as a sign of success. We're winning.
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #35 on: 5 February 2003, 14:19 »
well include me in as i said before.
i agree we need some sort of discussion area somewhere though. i would be happy to put a 'hidden' forum on my board at (where only the users who are part of a particular group can view that forum) which would keep it all nice and troll free, you would then need to send me an email asking to be added to that group.

I suspect somebody else will come up with another idea though (probably thequirk). The feature i mention above is a standard phpBB feature btw, (as well as a standard *nix feature) so it would be easy to implement if we end up using a phpBB somewhere to coordinate our efforts.

That's the next step. a little corner of the internet where those who want to be involved in the active part of microsoft eradication can use for in house discussion and so on. we can easily keep everybody else updated by posting here with updates regularly and letting people know they are welcome to join us.

just my blabbering, but there you go.
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #36 on: 5 February 2003, 22:04 »
also ill pitch in $20 for the name registration.

at registration is only $9.75.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #37 on: 6 February 2003, 02:59 »
Can't we put the backup forum into use for this?


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #38 on: 6 February 2003, 04:56 »
Originally posted by ecsyle_one:

at registration is only $9.75.

975register is NOT an InterNIC registrar, in other words, I would not trust them.

I would recommend
They only charge $8.50, and are accredited.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #39 on: 6 February 2003, 04:58 »
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:

975register is NOT an InterNIC registrar, in other words, I would not trust them.

I would recommend
They only charge $8.50, and are accredited.

forgive me for being a noob. but what is "InterNIC"? and why is it important. something id like to know, considering i have a domain registered with them.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #40 on: 6 February 2003, 05:33 »
InterNIC controls domain registration, distributes Whois lookups, and handles registar disputes.
FYI: NIC stands for Network Information Center.

If you registered a domain with those people, and all is well, then that is fine. If you are ever considering a new registrar, I recommend checking to see if they are in the InterNIC's registrar list:

[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #41 on: 6 February 2003, 07:23 »
thanks dude. good info.


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #42 on: 6 February 2003, 17:43 »
rightyho boys and girls, i've set up a little forum at so that all the openopen stuff can go there and not get lost in the melee of the lounge, okay?
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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #43 on: 6 February 2003, 18:11 »
Great forum Calum. Me, The Quirk or Void Main should host it though, Lycos UK is too damn slow...


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Avello's Kick-Ass Idea (formerly known as Cabin Fever)
« Reply #44 on: 6 February 2003, 19:35 »
void main doesn't come here anymore and as far as i know nobody else has volunteered any of their services to it. i am happy to run it and give me a short while and i will put it up on my superfast webspace at
Just give me half an hour to sort it all out... wait the now...
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