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Hey guys, i am a total wreck.

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I had a car accident on Thursday.

 1 broken index finger.
 A messed up eyebrow (9 stitches).
 A swollen knee and thigh.
 A broken rib.
 A neck that hurts like shit.
 But other than that am ok  

  The cause of accident? An old man didnt stop on the STOP sign, I made a very tight left turn so i will avoid collision but the car couldnt handle it
 and I ended up on the pavement hiting a tree.
  Car is not totaled, but its messed up damn good.


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
I had a car accident on Thursday.

 1 broken index finger.
 A messed up eyebrow (9 stitches).
 A swollen knee and thigh.
 A broken rib.
 A neck that hurts like shit.
 But other than that am ok    

  The cause of accident? An old man didnt stop on the STOP sign, I made a very tight left turn so i will avoid collision but the car couldnt handle it
 and I ended up on the pavement hiting a tree.
  Car is not totaled, but its messed up damn good.
--- End quote ---

I hope for two things for you; 1. The old fool had good insurance, and 2. You've got a really HUNGRY lawywer!

I've never been in a serious car accident, so I really can't say that sucks, because I couldn't possibly imagine how much it does   :(  

Feel better!

Here's a test to see if you're OK:

1) Are you alive?
2) Did your manhood survive?
3) Is your head OK?
4) Is linux our saviour?

If you answer 'no' to any of the above then you have to worry.

my condolences too you bazoukas. that is bad luck.


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