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Boycott IE

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Well at least part of my site is boycotting Internet Explorer. From now on Bobland is IE free.


if you have IE and you try to view this page you will be redirected here http://www.msboycott.com/ierror/

If you want to help boycott IE, just go here to learn more http://www.msboycott.com/ierror/about.shtml

Master of Reality:
use bobhub.tk or bobs.tk instead of bobhub.cjb.net in your link at StayoffMyLand.cjb.net.
It doesnt have any ads!

this is very good indeed! if i wasn't trying to promote my music on my site, and get a job and so on, i'd use that. If i ever start a fan site, you can bet it will block IE for sure.

I have one minor quibble, you have links for IEradicator which is often more unstable than just leaving IE on your machine and not using it, and you also link to Opera, which is not free, and iCab, which might be secure (for all i know) but isn't too stable from my experience (on a mac this is, lots of # 2 and 3 errors), however you do not link to mozilla, which releases regualr stable versions, is free, and has lots of neato features! (or is this redirect page none of your doing and i'm complaining into the wind?)

Top idea.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
this is very good indeed! if i wasn't trying to promote my music on my site, and get a job and so on, i'd use that. If i ever start a fan site, you can bet it will block IE for sure.

I have one minor quibble, you have links for IEradicator which is often more unstable than just leaving IE on your machine and not using it, and you also link to Opera, which is not free, and iCab, which might be secure (for all i know) but isn't too stable from my experience (on a mac this is, lots of # 2 and 3 errors), however you do not link to mozilla, which releases regualr stable versions, is free, and has lots of neato features! (or is this redirect page none of your doing and i'm complaining into the wind?)

Top idea.
--- End quote ---

I didnt create the boycott IE page, im just a supporter of it. So I cant do anything about the links. By the way I updated the page to link to bobhub.tk.

[ July 25, 2002: Message edited by: ThePreacher ]

well, i decided to use their thing, but i changed it to include mozilla, and to express my personal comments about opera and ieradicator as well.
You can see the results of my "defacing" at www.nelie.org/polytheism/ierror.html or just go to www.nelie.org/polytheism with iexplore!


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