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Napster back again!

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It seems that Napster could be back in business, or should we interpret this article?


The record companies seem to be doing unlawful deeds themselves, not surprisingly. The whole idea of copyright has been misused during the latest decades, in my opinion. I myself haven

cahult, let me guess you have all of the "Hit's of the 80's" collection?    I haven't bought a CD in quite some time period (and I don't download music either).  But I would be considered an old fart by most on here (and I was even in a rock band up until a couple of years ago).

Honesly I would never have started downloading mp3's if Metalica and the Record companies weren't such dicks.

They expect us to pay everytime we play a song we already purchased....sure thats going to happen.

These people say Napster et al are hurting music sales, but more CD's were sold in the year after Napster came out that before it.

These same folks said that radio would kill the music business when Tesla and Marconi's little invention got big....right.

They also said that VCR's would totally ruin the film and television industry . . .


They (who ever THEY are!) also said that Microsoft would give large software companies a bad name and that anyone who worked for them would have to skulk in the shadows to get home and.......ooooops gues "they" were right on that one atleast.   :D


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