Author Topic: How cool is this? My instructor was a SpyGlass Programer!!!!  (Read 646 times)


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Yep yep yep. She was there with the whole MOSAIC sistuation took place.  Talk about learning from the source.  And yep she is big on Unix too.
  She was in intergration Development.  She also worked at ATT. Talk about her knowing c++ and Unix.
   Plus me and her today started a mission   :D   . To change the minds of the Administrator and  change the PCs that run Mandrake8.0, to run RedHat8.0.
 Plus I got Instructors raving about Knopix and having Instructors asking me, to make more copies for them. My name has a buzz in the department with all the Linux preaching that am doing   :D  

 WOOOOOT! Today was an awesome day.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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How cool is this? My instructor was a SpyGlass Programer!!!!
« Reply #1 on: 14 November 2002, 05:44 »
So things are turning around for you in class I guess huh? And I take it your instructor favors RedHat over Mandrake? Or just the new version of RedHat over the older version of Mandrake? I did a lot of Mosaic hacking myself. I added in a lot of big brother code before firewall logging was the trend.  
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How cool is this? My instructor was a SpyGlass Programer!!!!
« Reply #2 on: 14 November 2002, 06:06 »
Oh yeah man. It looked for a while that nobody gave a fuck. But I just kept and still keep going at it.
  Some of the instructors that asked me about knopix dont know Linux at all, and they are very curious to learn and they simply had their jaw droped when they saw it.

    The "spyglass" instructor doesnt like Mandrake at all, i am not sure what flavor she is using, but she was amazed by the ease of use of RH8.
 I went to her class yesterday just to ask her about VNC and i started talking about how RH8 is much better than Mandrake and why they dont use that instead.

 I did a demo to her today and showed her the installer and the actual system. Her main concern is that, the people upstairs will like the ease of it so they will go ahead and go with RH8.0.

  Needless to say she was amazed. So now its up to her to make a proposal to change to RH8.
 Some of the instructors are gonna be there to check and see if I will pull it off with the VNC RH8 server and knopixx client.
  But meeting her alone man, it just made the whole thing very REAL. I never thought I would actually meet someone that was in the center of it all. It blew my mind.

   And VoidMain, they asked me where i learned about knopix and  i said in few words:
 weeeell i go to this web site called (the spyglass lady just laughed her ass off)and the people in there know their stuff. Visit their forums and be sure to check out a guy with the name VoidMain he is a realy heavy duty Unix guy.

   Dude, coming to this web site and reading your posts and the posts of creedon and others, has opened a new freaking door to me.

  I realy thank you, and i realy mean it. Its like taking another class via the www.

  Plus during the weekend i will go with a girl and help her out shop a Linux Based Computer (she wants to have the HW support and the low price). She still cant believe how come Linux can be so strong and still be free to get. bahahahahahaha!!!

 I told her that if she doesnt like Mandrake we will slam RH8.0 in it. She checked my laptop and realy liked RH8.0.


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How cool is this? My instructor was a SpyGlass Programer!!!!
« Reply #3 on: 14 November 2002, 06:30 »
Cool, well I tell you it's helping people like you that make coming to a forum like this all worthwhile. I almost gave up on this place a few times.

Also, just be careful what you say about your teachers now that you told them about this place.  
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How cool is this? My instructor was a SpyGlass Programer!!!!
« Reply #4 on: 14 November 2002, 07:09 »
ops you are correct  :D  . *nervous laugh*