Author Topic: My country - how about yours?  (Read 1763 times)


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My country - how about yours?
« on: 4 December 2002, 05:34 »
I will tell you some things about my homeland. In return I
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #1 on: 4 December 2002, 06:01 »
I've been to Sweden and remember it being a very nice place. I only spent a short time there (a few hours). I took a ferry from Copenhagen Denmark over to Sweden (would it have been Stockholm?). I remember going in to a pastry shop and if memory serves me correctly pastry shops were a plenty. I also recall something about not being able to get a beer anywhere. Is my memory correct?

Nobody wants to hear about my country, even though I like it.
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #2 on: 4 December 2002, 06:13 »
I am with you Void :D
 Even though I lived most of my years in Greece, I see from first hand what US gives to this world.
 Actualy it reminds me ALOT, and i do mean ALOT the Athenian empire during the rule or Periclis before the civil war with the Spartians.


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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #3 on: 4 December 2002, 08:48 »
In my country the majority of the population is overweight and the people there are extremely ignorant to other cultures. Many teenagers do mind-altering drugs that effect them later on in their lives without thinking about the consequences. People are generally tired and overworked and because of this they spend most of their lives miserable. People also spend most of their lives working, only to find out when they turn fifty that their retirement funds just went to hell. The people  here are also incredibly greedy but donate small sums of money to charities to relieve their guilt and then live out their lives of luctury without experiencing what suffering is at all, yet somehow they remain miserable despite this. Large corporations swallow small corporations and then make crappy products that sell very well because they look good, which brings me to my next point. The stupidest things in out culture are what appeal to the most people, meaning 1) that the majority of people are stupid and 2) that the majority of people are very gullable. Our education system is also in the gutter. Our teachers are overworked and underpaid and many still cling to the teaching methods that were taught to them long ago, which pretty much ruins the school system and in turn ruins the youths trapped in that school system. In my culture we look to the past and celebrate how we declared our independence from an oppressive government and created a just form of government, then we go on with lives that are total opposites from the ideals that created this nation. Then we look at all we've done and beat ourselves up for it. We say that we aren't caring enough, that we're blind to the rest of the world when in truth most of us are actually caring people that are victims of a system created by an unending cycle of cruelty and oppression.

But at least we're free, aren't we?


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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #4 on: 4 December 2002, 08:58 »
In my country not only is the population overweight, the gap between the rich and poor everising, And on top of that there is screwy weather (yesterday it was hot, today its freezing).

I still think australia in my opinion is a much better place to live then others because most things are cheap, IT jobs aplenty, The aussie outback is a land of its own. In fact I will say that there is nothing better to me then being in the bush, with my mates, a slab of VB and the only thing resembleing technology being a wristwatch. (FUCK TECHNOLOGY).

In the suburbs of australia, they are much like the USA ones... Full of people in 4wd monsters and lifestyle addicts. In the city (well melbourne to me) its quite insane and busy, like many others. Austrlaia is what you get when you get the UK mix it in with General Europe, throw in the Captialism of the USA, the culture from asia, you get Australaia.


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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #5 on: 4 December 2002, 21:01 »
Macman, have you ever spent a considerable amount of time outside of your country? I have, and I think because of it I see a different country than what you see. You will see the good things that you take for granted now.

It would be cool if everyone could switch countries for a period of time like in a foreign exchange program. Every country I have been to (around 15 of them) have some very good points and some not so good points. I have found good in every one of the countries I have been to. But I can tell you one thing, I'm happy where I am at because nobody has it any better from what I have been able to determine. I would certainly like to visit many of them again some day but I'll always be happy to come home.
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #6 on: 4 December 2002, 13:01 »
i agree with everything x11 said about australia, and macman appears to be describing my country too. however void main's words appear very powerful indeed. i have not been in a country that was not part of the 'free west' (read: wealthy first world) for more than a few hours, but i am under no illusions that we have many many comforts that we take for granted in this decadent country of ours. sometimes i think it would be a bit better if we had to do without some of them, and it all got shared around a bit more fairly in the world.
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #7 on: 4 December 2002, 16:00 »
I took a ferry from Copenhagen Denmark over to Sweden (would it have been Stockholm?).

If you took a ferry from Copenhagen to Stockholm it would have taken you three days to complete the journey. No, I think you landed in Malm
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #8 on: 4 December 2002, 16:18 »
If I start writing things about Greece, then I might as well start writing a whole encyclopedia.   :D


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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #9 on: 4 December 2002, 20:10 »
I live in a fallen Empire. Britain once ruled half of the world, but were are now relegated to being America's puppydog. Were are a little like, Japan. In that I mean a mix of old and new. Unfortunately our old views are causing our economy to stagnate.
We are govererned by a bunch of half-wits. A so called 'labour' government that cannot find money for the public sector.
Our budget was and is balanced on a knife-edge, yet somehow the government still has money for beating shit out of third world countries with the US. Guess what else, our armies primary weapon has just had a
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #10 on: 4 December 2002, 20:46 »
Well, I have two countris. I have two passports.

Currently I live in the USA, but was born and raised in the Dominican Republic.

The DR is a small island nation in tha carbean west of puerto Rico, east of Cuba, and north of Jamaica. Ya, the one that Haiti is on.

Anyway, the DR has the nice half of the island  :D . Interesting story to that, the Hatians had no conservation laws and basicaly burnt down all of their rainforest for timber. Much of the fine woods that grew there were sold off to the US and Europe, as a result, today Haiti is a Destirute nation, considered the poorest in the world. The DR has very strict concervation laws to the point where one can be shot for illegal logging (or so the rumors go) ! The border between Haiti and the DR is clear cut down a river valley. On one side of the river you see nothing but brown dirt, on the other green trees and grassy fields. Guess wich side is Haiti?

Anyway, enugh Haiti bashing  :D  .... oh ya! One more tidbit, did you know that Haiti used to be the Richest country in the world? In colonial times Haiti was the economic center of the new world. But years of war, opresive governments, and europen imperialism has taken all of the resources that it once had.

The Domican Republic is a Democratic nation with a parlimentry system modeled after those in europe. The populace is very political, and everyone votes. Election days are insane, rallys everywhere, people waveing campaign propagandah etc. Pretty neat stuff. Too bad the government there tends to be pretty corupt. There is allways one scandal or another.

The DR is a poor country economicaly, life can be pretty hard for the poor in the cities. But generaly people live well, they may not have much money, but they make good use of what they have. If you go out to the country in the DR and enter a poor persons house you will notice that everything is kept orderly and clean, the family is well mannered, well fed, and well taken care of. That's allways something I admired about the people of my home country, we may not have much but we make the best of it.

Though I would be lieing if I said poverty isn't bad, cuz in some places life is hell over there.

The beaches over there are the most beutifull in the world. I have never seen clearer water. I live in Miami now, and the beaches here are horrible! If you ever get the chance to travel and want a vacation resort type thing, give the DR a look.

Dominican food is awsome! It's all we eat in our household  

In the DR we have great parties durring carnival. Here people dress up in traditional costumes and drink themselves silly while dancing in the streets. The costumes are calld Lechones, they look kind of like a cross between a harloquin and a minoraur. The mask has horns like a bull, and the suit is multi colord and adorned with mirrors and bells. The Lechon carrys a bull whip and a balloon made out of an inflated and dried cow blader (not as bad as it sounds  :D  ), anyway, his job is to seek out people in the crowds who don't seem to be having a good time and beat the crap out of them with his weapons untill they do. It's all fun and games, and it dosn't really hurt (most of the time    ).

Another wierd holiday is St. Andrews day. Here, kids get to throw flower and eggs at people. Why? I dunno. Suposedly St. Andrew was the patron saint of bakers, but most people just like throwing flower and eggs at each other  :D  

It's a really popular holiday, kinda like Halloween in the US. Kids have developed ways of rotting eggs, and will prepare their arsenal a full two weeks before the holliday. But those are only the jerks, I would never do anything like that    .

That's about it. Haven't been there in like eight years. Friends tell me alot has chaged, the economy is growing over there and because of that cities and towns are getting crowded. A double edge sword I suppose. But I will allways have fond memories of the place I grew up in. Can't wait to go visit one day.


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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #11 on: 4 December 2002, 21:16 »
it's nice to hear that st andrew's day is celebrated somewhere! he is the patron saint of scotland however no bugger celebrates his day there (ask somebody when it is and they'll be stumped more often than not even!) but they'll happily slosh down the guinness on the day of St patrick patron saint of ireland. This is doubly sad since st patrick was in fact a staunch teetotaller.
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #12 on: 4 December 2002, 22:15 »
I am also from the US, but more specifically I am from Kansas. For those who have heard of Kansas they think it is a large field, which is pretty much true. However in the Northeast corner of Kansas the majority of the population lives. I have never seen a tornado. I dont live on a farm. I hate Dorothy and Toto jokes. There are no weird alien encounters here. By the way Kansas City was found to be the second most overweight large city in the US.
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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #13 on: 4 December 2002, 23:06 »
I am not overly sure about my country. I have never spent more then 1.5 weeks outside of my town, and I don't seek knowledge about my surroundings like I should. I do not whether we are a bunch of American wannabes, or a bunch of highly advanced 1337 d00dz who only look like americans on the surface. I do not know whether we have a political system that is seriously fucked up like the US, or like was described in Britain.

So what do I know? 80+ percent of our population lives within 200KM of the US border(1970s estimate though). There is a massive amount of low populated wilderness all over, and that does not include the artic! We have 30 million people, the US has 300 million, even with 80% of us within 200km of the border, that is still a pleasant density.

What wilderness do we have though? The west coast is BC, and that has tons of forests, hills and mountains. Past that you hit a very very long stretch of plains. Still, the plains are not just all grassland, there is forest there also. What Canada is really famous for is that cold aspect BRRRR! We have a massive amount of tundra and artic land in the north. It is very sparsely populated. There is also those eskimo dudes who live there. They try to follow a combination of old and new lifestyles. There is such a sparse artic population, that they are probably the guardians and caretakers of that land.

Of special interest is Quebec. It is a large landmass in eastern Canada, with many people of a different cultural background then other Canadians(basically they speak too much french and not enough english). This has caused alot of politcal strife, with two seperation referendums and a terrorist incident in the 70's.

Oh yes, I am also from a small 80000 person town in the heart of British Columbia. There is such an abundance of nature around me, but I never use it.  ;)

This is just my pathetic attempt at telling you about my great country. I am not sure why it is great, I have seen neither lavish benefits or terrible hardships. So I hope MOR(or another proud MES Canadian) can tell you much more...

[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

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My country - how about yours?
« Reply #14 on: 4 December 2002, 23:29 »
by thePreacher:
By the way Kansas City was found to be the second most overweight large city in the US.  
I remember that study. They said Philadelphia was first. No wonder, considering that "food" in Philly means cheesesteaks, scrapple, and cheese fries.

I'm surprised at all the harsh things people have to say about the US. I think I'll put together a piece full of good things about the US. Until then, just remember that from all over the world, people are trying to get into the US. I don't see too many Americans trying to move to other countries.
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