Author Topic: best TCO and TBO  (Read 1049 times)


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best TCO and TBO
« on: 26 August 2003, 06:57 »
Total Cost of Ownership, or TCO for short

Total Benifeit of Operation, or TBO for short

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>All things considered, what is the best choice? It doesn't seem to be a Windows machine due to its security problems, high cost and general unreliability -- in other words the TCO is high and the TBO is low

>Apple machine will cost a ridiculous amount of money, but you're least likely to have severe problems

>FreeBSD is the obvious choice for the power user or computer hobbyist; it's also the best choice for a desktop machine that demands optimum reliability and security, but proper installation and configuration requires reading the manual and having a certain degree of patience -- so the TCO is very low, but the TBO is only high under the right conditions

>A SuSE system will be inexpensive, easy to install and use, and offer little or no hassle in updating and maintaining the software. So leveling the TBO against the TCO, a computer running SuSE Linux will offer the most for your money