G'day Guys,
'Avello500' I found it at (
Now don't laugh! Not all 'pot heads' are stupid... And the guy who set up this forum has done an exceptional job, and yes there are a few types who are doing the 'self for filling prophecy' thing but your reaction I would suggest shows an almost identical reaction by one of the other readers on that thread and in fact it seems to mirror my own.... Stunned belief, I don't know about you but I had actually read something once that said much the same thing, but it was making a point that the Reserve Bank was owned and run by Jews... now I'll say again I do not tar a whole race; nor a significant minority, with the same brush!
'Calum' If he's really concerned he might have... And it does have a ring of truth doesn't it!
'Macman: dumb retart' I know what you mean... because of my brain injury I use 'ReadPlease 2003' (
http://www.readplease.com/rp2002download.phtml) to read it out to me... I'm sure Macs have got the same type of thing, it is worth listening to believe me... Whether or not it's true time may say but there is enough information for a person with a fully functional brain; and a desire to know the truth, to find out about it.
'Nobber' Interesting yes... It is, is it true? I'm of much the same view as you... Sounds plausible and with that plausibility comes the realization that this does put a put a new twist on the 'War on Terror/Iraq' doesn't it!
As for our old 'mate' Bill... His software is sooo necessary for 'their' fight against 'us' isn't it!