Author Topic: My Reaction to the AOL Settlement  (Read 1111 times)


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« on: 30 May 2003, 18:47 »
I just love how M$ settles court cases, and I love the judge for allowing a company to make such punitive damages to itself.  M$ really knows what they've done and have punished themselves here:

"Here, we know we did wrong, but we want to make it up to you.  You can use our IE browser as much as you want for the next x years...and we'll include AOL on our future installations desktop, and you can even use our spyware-infested media player in your software exposing it to the public even more...please, we insiste...we deserve it.


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #1 on: 31 May 2003, 10:50 »
1.AOL is for faggots and dumbass can't use the internet

2. Micrsoft should just blow up and with there windows source code too..

3. Internet Explorer would have been a great browers didn't had Microsoft tag on it and Spyglass would have been in charge of it.

4.Mozilla ROCKS!!, PERIOD.

5. I am member of paying survey they ask me question about softwares and products.. and i got a suvery about Microsft and AOL, i fucking enjoy insulting the hell of the Micrsoft and AOL, i felt sooo fucking good..

6. i am going shut the fuck up and head to sleep  
huh, what?


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #2 on: 1 June 2003, 02:46 »
Originally posted by mc0282:
i am going shut the fuck up

Try to do that more often.


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #3 on: 1 June 2003, 11:14 »
1.AOL is for faggots and dumbass can't use the internet

For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #4 on: 1 June 2003, 11:34 »
Originally posted by SAJChurchey:

"Here, we know we did wrong, but we want to make it up to you.  You can use our IE browser as much as you want for the next x years...and we'll include AOL on our future installations desktop, and you can even use our spyware-infested media player in your software exposing it to the public even more...please, we insiste...we deserve it.

Sorta like their proposed settlement to the school districts that all ganged up and sued them a few years ago: here, we'll give you a bunch of x86 machines . . . and some money to go with.  But only if you agree to put Winblows on said machines (and no, we won't give you the Winblows licenses - you have to buy 'em).

At least, I think that's more or less what they were trying to do.  I don't recall how it turned out in the end, though . . .
I can't get over you until you get out from under him.


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #5 on: 2 June 2003, 12:52 »
why ? what did i do to yah ?  i constantly see other people expressing there thoughts why don't yah tell  them to "shut the fuck up"?, and some of them say the lamest shit in the world none of you insult,put down,banned,etc. Well if i am such disease i will stop posting reply and news, but i won't go silent until i say this to both of you..


huh, what?


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #6 on: 2 June 2003, 23:04 »
I don't think this will stop the Linux revolution, its not stopping me from using Mozilla as a browser and web development platform.

I had posted some concerns about AOL a few weeks back.  They are only interested in the stock price of their company, not some altruistic sofware society.  I suspect they will drop Mozilla in the coming months; they will have to if they want to play with M$.

It will be up to this Mozilla / Phoenix community to move forward.  I am looking back into coding, I feel it will take a 100,000 part timers to make up for the 100 full timers lost.

My contribution is on the technical illustrative side of the house.  I'm following PythonCAD and other open source CAD solutions closely.


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #7 on: 3 June 2003, 00:08 »
Yes, it is another case of MS twisting its punishment into an advantage.  

Kill netscape completely and in the process destroy alot of the financial support for the mozilla project.  

Kill opera next and one more step to zero competition in the browser arena, which has been their objective since at least 1996.
In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight....


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #8 on: 3 June 2003, 21:03 »
What is so bad about AOL anyway? (Question, not defense.) We don't have many AOL users in Australia so I have never actually seen what differences it offers. I mean I have heard that they try and get you on AOL intranet to see their ads, but they don't stop anyone from just hitting do they?

In general puzzlement,
Someone who has never used AOL.
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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #9 on: 3 June 2003, 10:42 »
AOL=Dumbed down, expensive, less reliable internet connection than average(more downtime+more disconnects), slower internet connection that average.

Well I can't speak from experience, but this is what popular belif holds anyways.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #10 on: 3 June 2003, 10:46 »
Yeah I can see all that, but what do you mean by dumbed down?  A local ISP ozemail may be similar - very bad install process (which will not work unless it runs in IE btw,) which also adds lots of bookmarks to "sponsors."  If i'm paying for internet usage why do I need sponsors?  :confused:  Oh and they don't let you do a manual config either, they won't even give you the details.  I had to get the local dial in number off a friends windows box when I was first using Linux... grr...
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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #11 on: 3 June 2003, 16:04 »
They also spam the hell out of you with their CD's, either through your letterbox or in magazines.
I find this awful, nobody wants them. They get used as cup coaster or being throw out.
So all those AOL CD's getting thrown out just leave a whole load more plastic to be disposed of. AS we know plastic doesnt biodegrade and people dont like re-cycling so all this shit gets left for thousands of years in a landfill.

There is a project that aims to gather 1million of these spammed CD's and drop them on AOL's silicon valley doorstep. They have media coverage arranged  
Click on the flags in my sig. to go to the website of regional collection centres that willl send your CD's to the central US office for the big dump for you(for free).
So, Start collecting your AOL, Compuserve and Netscape CD's now. (All same company)
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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #12 on: 3 June 2003, 18:09 »
AOL's customer base thought they were in a "gated community" but it was more like a prison.

AOL installs a special software dialup adaptor in the windows system.  It was problematic.

AOL's UI had so much window dressing the window into the net was reduced by a third.  Then there are the pop-up ads and all the other crap designed to sell you something or spy on you somehow.

My bro and his wife think its wonderful, I never used it on my computers.  They have had several major problems, but they are too well intrenched to leave.


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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #13 on: 4 June 2003, 07:32 »
Gated communities that are really prisons, subliminal pop ups and people who are too entrenched to leave, does this sound vaguely cult like to anyone else?

Why in Gods name would someone want that?!?!  And for that matter why do they need a "special dial in client?!?!"
Yesterday it worked
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My Reaction to the AOL Settlement
« Reply #14 on: 4 June 2003, 21:34 »
Well I guess dumbed down stuff, assuming it means ultra handholding, is ok for n00bs. But mainly, it's what these other guys said. I won't touch AOL with a 10' pole! Paranoia...  :D
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality