so its time to build the computer for my studio.
of course the budget is tight so im doing as much research to get the most of what i have. i will be buying a amd proc.
now the main focus of my questions are FSB speeds.
of course i would like to go with a 333fsb.
however to do it well i would be outside of my budget. i think i could live well for the time being at 266FSB .
a new motherboard is going to be purcheased regardless and im covered on this issue.
from what i have seen damn near everysite has a different qualification for FSB speeds.
does anyone know where to find exact data on this.
i have a xp2000, some sites show it at 133fsb, others at 266fsb.
but then there are multiple cores and L2 cache and info on id #s, and ... it all makes my head smoke.
if i could get solid data my life would be so much more happy, and i could get to making music and of course taking over the world.
anyways, thanks