Author Topic: There's something wrong here...  (Read 1291 times)


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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #15 on: 24 December 2002, 02:59 »
numbers, brute force, cunning, but most of all the ability to acclimatise fast. make a list of reasons in order of importance and 'intelligence' will be number 248 or something.
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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #16 on: 24 December 2002, 08:46 »
Originally posted by Calum:

dream on, and macman, it's not just to be funny, don't you get it?

it's about how whites harp on about how we all live in peace and harmony when in reality the black people still clean up our shit, and white people still get all the jobs, and it's nothing to do with education either, sure there are equal opportunities laws, but if 2 black guys go for a job and 10 white guys go for it, and the interviewer feels a bit uneasy with allowing black guys into the company (i mean, i see them on tv all the time! they have guns!) then how much good is the law do you think?

this sort of thing is to make whitey think about it and respond. sadly, i think this is too subtle for a lot of americans, no offence intended.

just for a laugh, did you know that blacks in america get, on average, 60% less pay than whites? that is the same percentage difference as it was 120 years ago. How multicultural is your society now?

[ December 23, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

I suppose you're right. I've just made myself believe that everything is equal for such a long time that I guess I convinced myself that it was (must have watched too much star trek) and missed the point of the site. Weird how you can make yourself believe anything.


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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #17 on: 24 December 2002, 21:00 »
maybe because humans get alot more out of making fuck then animals do, so it only natural that we have the numbers........
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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #18 on: 24 December 2002, 12:00 »
W...T...F was that??? That had to be a joke site they had put up.
"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."  --Bill Hicks


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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #19 on: 24 December 2002, 12:21 »
he told us that 80% (84%?) of americans cannot find iraq on a map. 69% cannot find the UK on a map and... 19% cannot find the USA on a map

Now that I remember it our state run tv channel (ironically the only channel that doesnt lick the arse of the liberal filth in power) ran a series called CNNNN basically parodying well, CNN.
And yes the suspect has just crossed a bridge in this spectacular police chase! Heres our expert on bridges! oh wait theres a new development... it appears that AL QAEDA may have been involved somehow...

but my favorite part was the one where they asked some Americans some questions... man they gave some dumbass answers.  My favorite was:
Interviewer:Hello sir, and can you tell us in which American state KFC was originally made?
Dumbass:Um I have no idea I really have to keep jogging though (he was a fitness freak)
Interviewer :. Do you know what KFC stands for?
Dumbass:Kentucky Fried Chicken isnt it?
Interviewer:And you dont know where it was originally made?
Dumbass:I already told you, no I dont!

oh and:

Interviewer:Can you name the axis of evil?
Another dumbass:Um, Germany, Palestine, Russia...

[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Faust ]

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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #20 on: 24 December 2002, 12:22 »
W...T...F was that??? That had to be a joke site they had put up.

why? because racism doesn't exist anymore?
You should know better, i'd imagine, being in Texas (that is what TX stands for isn't it?)

[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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There's something wrong here...
« Reply #21 on: 25 December 2002, 11:41 »
of course its a joke.
the sad thing is that the people that dont know that are the people being made fun of.
ever watch the good saturday night live bits?
same humor.
im in arizona and i see a ton of dumbass racist bastards. theyre so easy to fuck with, due to thier limited capcity to think, shit they re so many fucked up backwards assholes here that they started shooting people with with olive skin at random after 9/11. hell you have a chance of being shot at for tailgating in some parts. just to prove how fucked up racists are here, they use m$, nuff said
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