All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
sorry if i post this in wrong section
i just found this site i was trying to find a site the hates microsoft ,like i do and finally i did.i want it to share thought i went to this site maybe some of you have been there or maybe not. i really dislike this site because all talks about microsoft like microsoft is the best OS and company, i send email to this dickhead telling him to die maybe some of you want too .i read some post or news from some site . someone ask bill gates why there codes has many bugs and he answer was " my code doesn't have bug is the user make windows unstable" well you tell me just because i ran the notepad i get blue screen of death . ask my self why when i go to someone house to fix there computer and they blame them self because there windows give them blue screen of death. and don't know is windows code goes crazy sometime because try to play solitaire. really there're alot people out there are blind don't know what they are using . i know people don't even know how to turn on a computer those're the people the make microsoft rich . im sorry for the long paragraph thank you for reading my topic
Well there is no reason to hate lol
I don't agree with Microsoft's unethical practices and their overpriced software but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate them. Bill Gates is a multi billionaire and the people who work for Microsoft aren't doing too badly either. I doubt they are losing any sleep over the fact that some people out there don't like them and their products. So why waste the emotional energy?
Some people are just unlucky when it comes to crashes and Blue Screens. If someone is getting blue screens from just notepad then something is seriously wrong with their setup. I'm a gamer so I run Windows ME and I've only seen 2 blue screens since I installed it months ago and on both occassions it was down to badly written device drivers. Replaced them and no more blue screens. So it's not always the OS itself that is at fault. I've seen apps crash a few times under my Slackware install, granted they don't bring the whole OS to a halt but still.
The guy who set up that site is just exercising his right to free speech just like this site. Sending him hate mail ain't gonna change his opinions and depending on how you worded it could actually land YOU in trouble.
true, dont waste your time trying to convert. just gather strength from your fellow anti-M$ers. some people will eventually come around while others will always remain blind to microsofts follys.
Hey, welcome ;)
I would say yes to hating microsoft, because of they pretend to be the 'great innovator' and are so hypocrit ... (bad spelling - i know) i think the proof that even m$ hasn't reached its lowest level with its smeary tricks is the windows xp wpa.
Most (ignorant) windows users always think it is the user that makes the OS crash. True, but crappy code can sure get you a BSOD faster than the better versions ...
I think if someone would say that crashing OS is mostly the user's fault, well, exor, you're right about the hardware part. If you go f*** around with hardware, like my crappy 6 speed cd-rom drive, as soon as the drive gets an i/o error (wich happens alot) windows just halts as long as the drive is confused. If i can't get my drive to open again, my windows just crashed.
If you are smart (and rich) and buy a cdrom-drive that doesn't have i/o errors on 90% of all cd's, you shouldn't have much problems with windows ... on the other hand, linux simply reports 'i/o error' and goes on happily ...
i hate the fucking windows xp wpa too. , i just heard the microsoft is planning to put some protection crap the would check to see if your key code the comes with the cd is pirate . if it is you going to have to contact microsoft. i read the shit on this site << i say again i dislike this site.
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