Author Topic: Chucklemuncher countermesure  (Read 1225 times)


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« on: 6 April 2002, 22:39 »
Hey guys,

Theres a new asshole on the forum. I suggest we all add him to our ignore list so we don't have to reply to his inane pornographic garbage. If stupidity like this persists I belive we should contact the admin about banning images, and indeed, purile 2 year old users who think they will get a rise out of us by posting stupidity.

Master of Reality

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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #1 on: 7 April 2002, 00:28 »
you dont need to ban images, just him.
and i havent seen this "character" yet.
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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #2 on: 7 April 2002, 02:42 »
I say ban all images. They are a waste of bandwidth. Banning the user won't do a bit of good as they will just create another ID and put up more nasty pictures. There are a lot of children whether or not this is an appropriate place for children to hang out is another debate but I certainly didn't need to see those nasty images. And I particularly do not care for the tracking ability that any person can have by allowing images.  Just my penny's worth.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #3 on: 7 April 2002, 08:46 »
Yes. another maniac, another teeniebopper
Cyberpop user brainwashed by corprate slogans
Just another wannabe.

Just check his profile "Favorite os: Windows ME"
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who in there right mind likes Windows ME
my aunt brought a computer with Windows ME

I want there...


Win 98 is better.

But now her comp runs Windows XP.
Which is a memory hog, but i came with 512mb'z of it.


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #4 on: 7 April 2002, 08:57 »
Reazonz not 2 uze Mac OS:
Its gay, mac r as bad as microsoft thre just another evil corp, mac os x is unix based, so it must be gay, unix was made in the 70's so it must smoke crack, unix crashes every 5 minutes, unix requires at least 1024mb of ram, unix isnt gui based, unix needs 2 much hard disk space, linux isnt free, linus torvalds is an evil man, linux costs more than windows, i love windows, and i have sexual dreams of bill gates.

N E Questions


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #5 on: 7 April 2002, 09:11 »
I say ban all images. They are a waste of bandwidth.
I sure don't want to see that happen here. They had one helluva situation on ExtremeTech when they tried banning sigs. Needless to say, it was not well-received. They came very close to losing a lot of their quality regulars. They did lose one of the most prolific and knowledgeable posters over this.

I put a lot of thought and effort into my sig. Unfortunately, you just might get your wish with the way these "Clock" assholes keep abusing the priveledge to post sigs. That would be a damn shame, as, once again, the majority would be paying the price for the misbehavior of a few assholes. This forum is a whole lot more wide-open than most, and I would sure hate to see that ruined by one or two pricks with nothing to contribute, and who take advantage with their juvenile pranks.

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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #6 on: 7 April 2002, 09:12 »
I just confirmed it.
Its just one of me mates, geuss what he waz doin at the time i rang.... Give, up
He was postin more shit, he said he will delete the porn.
I wont mention Neils name for neils sake so dont worry neil jensen your ID is safe with me    


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #7 on: 7 April 2002, 09:16 »
Oh and is "Most Used" OS is win ME
but he uses Red-Hat 7.2, but his mum
wont let him get rid of ME.

So dont worry, he likes linux.
(He also claims that he was trying to help
by giveing goosenbury a bad name)
or any Clock for that matter.

(I personnally think any use that is a clock
should be banned.)

Gooseberry Clock

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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #8 on: 7 April 2002, 18:37 »
Originally posted by Chucklebury Clock:
Reazonz not 2 uze Mac OS:
Reasons not to use Mac OS X:
  • What the hell does each of those coloured buttons do? At least in Windows, you can tell what each button does.


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Chucklemuncher countermesure
« Reply #9 on: 7 April 2002, 19:48 »
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Reasons not to use Mac OS X:
  • What the hell does each of those coloured buttons do? At least in Windows, you can tell what each button does.
Too be honest, i dislike mac as well,
Goosenbury, write a complaint about Linux
Ximian 1.4... Then i will be happy.

I think that when microsoft fuck off
its upto Sun or Apple, and then...

YaCM (Yet another Computer Monopoly)

One thing goosenbury said, about YaBB i agree with
and i think the webmaster should implment a way
of banning image's.

Goosenbury wants a debate....  we are not a DEBATE
site, maybe the admin should make a
"Debate" area.