Goosenbury Clock, as you see knows jack shit about Windows which is why he uses it. In the old days they did a good job of saving work for programers. Instead of the Programmers for dos writing there own IO routines for software. You could have a program "Open" a file that was a device. Like:
CON Standard Output (Display) /dev/tty
PRN Printer port 1 (LPT1) /dev/lp0
LPT* Local Parralel * (LPT*) /dev/lp*
COM* Serial port * (COM*) /dev/com*
Ect, Ect.
These where handled by IO.SYS You can make Internet Explorer open these and it will send the VFAT module nuts due to poor programming in real browsers like: Mozilla, Netscape, Mozilla its programmed correctly so this does not happen. Becase mozilla, netscape, arachne's credits have names accoiated with them. The programmers take more care. And therfor they are better. Microsoft feel no compition so they dont give a shit about the end user. So that now i have explained to you what and how these work you are educated!
There is a patch for the bug here: