Author Topic: Be polite!  (Read 1305 times)


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Be polite!
« Reply #15 on: 5 October 2002, 13:53 »
Although the exception to this rule is asking for help pirating wind0ze software, even I can agree that is a dumb thing to ask.
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Be polite!
« Reply #16 on: 5 October 2002, 16:50 »
Originally posted by bazoukas:
And oh yeah, get a real OS. Switch to Linux   ;)  

freebsd is better  


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« Reply #17 on: 5 October 2002, 16:57 »
Originally posted by Calum:
No. it is not immature. Windows users can come here and bullshit all they want can they? and as soon as somebody who is not a dumbass windoid wants to say something they are suddenly immature? bullshit. How dare you tell me what to say. These forums are very deeply based in free speech and anybody who comes here must accept that.

What i am talking about is immature.  when someone who CANNOT for one reason or another use a good OS on their comp (maybe its at work and they need to be windoze compatible) comes here and gets told "oh yeah, its really easy, ya just gotta go FORMAT C:", THAT IS IMMATURE.  Also, many ppl come here and TELL us "i use linux at home, i must use windows at work, how can i GET RID OF IE?".  These ppl often get the standard "use linux windows sux" remark EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY USE LINUX!!!

A note to some of the linux freaks here: have  you ever tried freeBSD?  i used to love linux, but then i tried freebsd, and i never went back!

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: cloudstrife ]


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« Reply #18 on: 5 October 2002, 17:06 »
Originally posted by Calum:
[QB]your comments are confusing. you tell us first NOT to say 'windows sucks, use linux' but then you say EXACTLY that in a slightly more roundabout way! quite frankly i feel that my responses to people will fit their initial posts. If they barge in spewing shit, i will insult them in response. If they appear sensible but clueless, i will be polite. If they seem stubborn for no reason, i will make it clear that i am unwilling to help them until they help themselves, and if they are abusive, they can expect abuse in response.

No, i think refalm  has hit the nail on the head here: i never said i hated it when people tell windows users about linux.  let me demonstrate:

windows user: i really dont like windows media player, is there some way i can get rid of it?

asshole: hahahaha u loser, windows SUCKS!! install linux or just type "FORMAT C:", that should uninstall WMP!!!!

nice guy: actually, there is, unfortunately, no way to uninstall WMP from windows.  However if you would like to try an alternative OS, we would be happy to tell you about linux, freebsd, solaris etc.

Dont be an asshole, be a nice guy.

PS - sorry to be postin all over the place, but a message to calum: i am talking about polite ppl askin for help.  I totally understand that many ppl come here just to spite us.  I hate those ppl just as much as you and they are not part of this discussion; i am talking about the clueless users who politely ask for help.

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: cloudstrife ]


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« Reply #19 on: 6 October 2002, 02:12 »
Originally posted by cloudstrife:
When someone who CANNOT for one reason or another use a good OS on their comp (maybe its at work and they need to be windoze compatible) comes here and gets told "oh yeah, its really easy, ya just gotta go FORMAT C:", THAT IS IMMATURE.

These people that have to use Windows at work should be calling their IT staff, not coming to If my users were coming to for help rather than calling the IT staff I would fire them.

If said user doesn't have an IT staff they should call Microsoft, give them their credit card number and not get any help.

If said user doesn't get help from Microsoft they can try and if after all of that they still don't fix their problem they should get rid of Microsoft at work. That's where we come in. If this were my BBS (which it's not) I would ban whoever offered help to a Windows user to fix their Windows operating system problems. Period.
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« Reply #20 on: 6 October 2002, 02:14 »
Originally posted by cloudstrife:
A note to some of the linux freaks here: have  you ever tried freeBSD?  i used to love linux, but then i tried freebsd, and i never went back!

Yes, I've been using FreeBSD for many years as well as Linux. I much prefer Linux on my desktop. I use FreeBSD in some server instances and Linux in others.
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Be polite!
« Reply #21 on: 6 October 2002, 03:19 »

windows user: i really dont like windows media player, is there some way i can get rid of it?

asshole: hahahaha u loser, windows SUCKS!! install linux or just type "FORMAT C:", that should uninstall WMP!!!!

nice guy: actually, there is, unfortunately, no way to uninstall WMP from windows. However if you would like to try an alternative OS, we would be happy to tell you about linux, freebsd, solaris etc.

Dont be an asshole, be a nice guy.

i already am. as i said, my responses will fit the tone of the initial request. that asshole response is something i have rarely seen on these forums, in fact it is even more rare than your example of a reasonable windows user.

personally i think most people here are intelligent enough to see a clever poster when one pops up and to respond intelligently.  

These people that have to use Windows at work should be calling their IT staff, not coming to If my users were coming to for help rather than calling the IT staff I would fire them.

If said user doesn't have an IT staff they should call Microsoft, give them their credit card number and not get any help.

If said user doesn't get help from Microsoft they can try and if after all of that they still don't fix their problem they should get rid of Microsoft at work. That's where we come in. If this were my BBS (which it's not) I would ban whoever offered help to a Windows user to fix their Windows operating system problems. Period.

this is exactly what i agree with. No political correctness here, just being truthful and honest. Void main, i agree completely.
you know, people, the truth is that when somebody posts a sensible seeming windows question here, void main usually pops up with the url of the windows BS, which is helpful since it is some windows problem they are asking about, and USUALLY the 'sensible' poster comes on and starts swearing at void main and calling him a script kiddie or some rubbish. I have seen that quite a few times now. This 'be polite' thing is ridiculous since by far the most impolite people i have seen posting on here are usually, if not always, windows users.

Might i just say that i am a windows user as well as a linux user however i would not ever waste my time seeking help or support for the windows side of my computer here or anywhere else. A person should know what to expect when they boot into windows, and learn to lump it or leave it. Most if not all things i do on my computer i now do in linux, that's how i solved my windows problems and i think that ANY other attempt to solve windows problems is like pissing into the wind, and i shall continue to be opinionated about that for as long as microsoft still has the audacity to promote this piece of shit "system".

[ October 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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