Author Topic: Ahem!  (Read 695 times)


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« on: 10 January 2003, 03:17 »
When it started Linux was a -BIT- of a problem.
Slowly but surely it -NIBBLEd- away at m$.
(May they -CHAR- in hell - BG et. al -INT-eralia).
IT took a huge -BYTE- out of the market.
In the medium to -SHORT- term it should grow.
Now we hope before -LONG- that propriety products
developed eg. -WORD- will be replaced by -OS-.
That will lead to a -DOUBLE- blow for m$.
The above is a -PLUS- sign for Linux we hope
and a -STRING- of problems for m$ to follow!

any body wanna add something - I'm just
waiting for a long job to finish!
Microsoft apparently thinks that R&D stands for 'Rewrap & Disguise'.