Author Topic: Interesting Article  (Read 1324 times)


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Interesting Article
« Reply #15 on: 12 January 2003, 03:26 »
Correction: at least he had slightly more of a soul than Bush.

Our system does not take into account the laziness and stupidity of people (voters and politicians), which is why it was doomed to fail and is why it already has failed. None of our presidents want to make America or the world better, they just want to hold office for four years, retire, and let the next guy deal with it. Unfortunately, the next guy always has the same attitude and nothing ever gets accomplished.

We need to create a system that makes our leaders want to push ahead for the future. If humanity is to survive, we have to create a world government eventually, but none of our leaders are interested in that or ever will be if we keep up this system. And I'm not just referring to the US's system.


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Interesting Article
« Reply #16 on: 12 January 2003, 05:04 »
you need to get decent people to run for your public offices! you yanks vote for more things than any other nation! use that power! where do you think good leaders come from? 'WE THE PEOPLE!' as i said before, if YOU (collectively) don't run for office, only the lazy sleazebags will! and they'll get elected because they were the only ones who turned up.
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Interesting Article
« Reply #17 on: 12 January 2003, 05:56 »
I'd make a perfect U.S treasurer.

95% of all the money would go into my annonymous account in a Sweedish bank.

4% would go towards the MES.

1% would go towards the U.S.  


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Interesting Article
« Reply #18 on: 12 January 2003, 06:09 »
damnit gleb, you would suck, heres how it goes

99.4% swiss bank acount
.5% MES
.0% u.s.a.
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!