If he disagreed the no that would not be called trolling. He was whinning about other members of the forum.
So yes, he was trolling.
You're now whining about me. You're a troll.
You see that right there! Thats trolling.
So now, saying anything ABOUT a person is trolling? Wow, that means you've been doing some serious trolling in this thread, boy.
Just by that statment, it shows your maturaty level.
Ah! I see, so it IS a superiority thing. You want to use "troll" to show someone who is lesser than you, and you're using "maturaty" (the word is maturity, you illiterate putz) to determine who is a "troll".
Guess what, I'm making up a new definition for troll. Anybody that is Solaris or Paladin is a "troll".
Youy could of left it at that statment above but that shust shot a hole right through it.
You could have not flailed your hands about and bashed your keyboard, and instead, actually typed. You didn't, though. You talk about maturity, and then you spew these quickly hacked-together whinefests.
Allright. I'll say it clear.
It is not your place to judge the actions of others.
Is that mature and simple and polite enough for the likes of you? I'm sorry if I don't bow down and snap to your every command, oh great and worshipful ones.