Author Topic: Rather dead lately...  (Read 4540 times)


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« Reply #60 on: 20 May 2004, 08:09 »
Originally posted by Paladin9:

You really think I am immature?  More so then Jimmy?  I recall others(do not remember who) considering you  a toll.

Honestly, I am getting sick and tired of using the word "troll".  Doesnt anyone else feel that way too?

It looks like all we are doing now is arguing who is a troll and who isnt.  Why dont we just all forget everything and start acting normal?

[ May 19, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

How about we use the word asshole instead?


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« Reply #61 on: 20 May 2004, 08:23 »
One question.

I am indifferent to the OS Game, I use what works best in that particular situation.

I've only ever come to the defence to even things out a bit, stop warrantless OS bashing from any side.  If somebody said something about linux that was untrue, I would correct them.

Why does that make me a troll?

What happened to
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« Reply #62 on: 20 May 2004, 08:27 »
by the way, i agree with jimmy on the paladin/solaris thing.

i think we should bring back the old MES anti-asshole squad. or whatever it was called

[ May 19, 2004: Message edited by: The Stiller ]

just say know


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« Reply #63 on: 20 May 2004, 08:36 »
Originally posted by The Stiller:
by the way, i agree with jimmy on the paladin/solaris thing.

i think we should bring back the old MES anti-asshole squad. or whatever it was called

Whatever.  But I am not a troll!  Geez...
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« Reply #64 on: 20 May 2004, 08:36 »
Yeah. You are.

[ May 20, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]

Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #65 on: 20 May 2004, 08:40 »
Originally posted by Paladin9:

Whatever.  But I am not a troll!  Geez...

who called you a troll

from now on every time you say troll i think you should have to cut off a finger

starting now
just say know


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« Reply #66 on: 20 May 2004, 21:03 »
Originally posted by The Stiller:
who called you a troll

Jimmy said I should no longer be a mod, and you agreed.  This would only be done to a mod who starts being a troll.  I and certianly not a troll.

from now on every time you say troll i think you should have to cut off a finger
starting now

Uh... right, whatever.
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« Reply #67 on: 20 May 2004, 21:33 »
You're now whining about me. You're a troll.

Whats to whine about.  


So now, saying anything ABOUT a person is trolling? Wow, that means you've been doing some serious trolling in this thread, boy.

No.  Saying absoulte bullshit about a person, or anyone for that matter is trolling.  

And no have't been trolling.

If I was i'd say something like Jimmy james is a moron because he likes windows.

Now that is a troll scentense.  I used your name.  Stated you liked something and therefore......

Its a scentence that will grab you to bring attention.  This is put when you didn't even post anything closly relevent to that scentense.  I just pulled it out of thing air.  Hence BS!


Ah! I see, so it IS a superiority thing. You want to use "troll" to show someone who is lesser than you,

No.  I used the word troll in your case because it fit.

and you're using "maturaty" (the word is maturity, you illiterate putz)

I've left something out.  Trolls always go on about grammar.  Its something to latch onto to exape the topic or divert attention.  


 to determine who is a "troll".

There really isn't anything to 'determine.'  If you post an idiot thread like 'where's the beef.'

It explains alot to who you are.


Guess what, I'm making up a new definition for troll. Anybody that is Solaris or Paladin is a "troll".

Yep.  Just confirmed it again.  Troll!

But I agree with Paladin9.   Hehe we are no fighting on what a troll is.

A troll can be by definniton a fable charecter.  One that hides under bridges and only comes out when someone comes to pass on that bridge.

Another troll can be definned by that of an action.  Trolling by the side of a river.

The internet definition of a troll is similar to that of the fable.  Usualy one who seeks attention, who is grossly misinformend or causes trouble.

Every community has one and there is even more on the real world highways.

A troll would usualy register to a forum and the go against the main topic of the community.  The troll usualy sputs off endless rants to ruffle feathers in the community so he can achive the attention that he is looking for.  This is why most trolls are found to be misinformed or lacking with any real information

Take MES for exsample.  Most trolls that past through here really don't care what OS they use.  They pick on users to get them upset by stating obvious fiction and placing them as facts.  This goes with that "I know it all attitude."  Most of the times trolls will go to posting completly irrelevent facts or divert attention by pointing out grammer.  Most trolls are very dull.  Thus the term 'troll' fits.  They usualy repeat themselves or go down to name calling.

The above is just a given for an average troll.

Its easy not to be a troll.  Just stop being one.  Post things relevent topics with relevent answers.  Not the same old rhetoric that has been disprooven over and over again.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #68 on: 20 May 2004, 21:44 »
The problem I see when it comes to m$ trolls is that the company themselves uses alot of FUD and alot of people take that as the gosbel truth.

M$ is a great FUD machine.  The've been doing it for a long time.  So people out there would follow them.  But I find that when it comes to computing you really can't hide the facts of instability and insecurity.  Even really good marketing has a hard time covering up really obvious shit.

I agree that I do loose my cool when it comes to bush.  The main reason for this is that alot of people have been hurt by him and his goverment.  More than trolling.  I can not for the life of me see someone stating that bush is right.  

Thus I made a joke in my first posts about the hitler thing.  Because it WOULD be like me turing around and stating in fact that the whole hitler thing just didn't exist.  That would be pritty stupid of me, no less unhuman.  The fact is lots of people have suffered under that man just as people suffer under bush.  Neather is right.  Its un-human!

People can have opinions.  But it crossess the line when you post something that really has no relevence, like whinning about MES users, posting 'facts' that have already been discounted, not just by us but by the world as well, or racism and hate.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #69 on: 20 May 2004, 21:46 »
To give an exsample

The Stiller posted that Adobe is a great graphics program, I disagreed because I think the GIMP is.  Thats fine because that is an opinion.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #70 on: 20 May 2004, 10:17 »
However, what really riles us up, going with your example, is when someone says something to the effect of that we can't use Adobe, because it is closed-source, and that The GIMP is automagically better, because it is Open-Source.

thats what gets people like me, Ecsyle, and Jimmy pissed off, and ignites a flamewar.
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« Reply #71 on: 20 May 2004, 10:24 »
Originally posted by Sauron: Troll Warrior:
However, what really riles us up, going with your example, is when someone says something to the effect of that we can't use Adobe, because it is closed-source, and that The GIMP is automagically better, because it is Open-Source.

thats what gets people like me, Ecsyle, and Jimmy pissed off, and ignites a flamewar.



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« Reply #72 on: 20 May 2004, 11:18 »
Originally posted by Sauron: Troll Warrior:
However, what really riles us up, going with your example, is when someone says something to the effect of that we can't use Adobe, because it is closed-source, and that The GIMP is automagically better, because it is Open-Source.

thats what gets people like me, Ecsyle, and Jimmy pissed off, and ignites a flamewar.

But I haven't.  You can use whatever you want.  I perfer the gimp, but thats me.  Open or not I like the gimp.  If you like Adobe, sure, thats your opinion.


Hmmm, wer're making head way.  Good stuff!

I agree.  Just because its open-source does not mean thats all you should use and nothing else.  far from it.  I fell in love with Linux, not because its open-source but because its the first OS I can do stuff with without constantly tweeking it or repairing it.

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #73 on: 20 May 2004, 11:26 »
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

But I haven't.  You can use whatever you want.  I perfer the gimp, but thats me.  Open or not I like the gimp.  If you like Adobe, sure, thats your opinion.


Hmmm, wer're making head way.  Good stuff!

I agree.  Just because its open-source does not mean thats all you should use and nothing else.  far from it.  I fell in love with Linux, not because its open-source but because its the first OS I can do stuff with without constantly tweeking it or repairing it.


Yes. I have found I like the tweaking though, as I learn about the internals of the OS, and It can come in handy if something breaks.  Thats my opinion, and only mine.

My beef is with those that wish to make this site from a anti-ms site, to a anti-"everything but linux" site.  I HATE to see any OS be bashed without justification.  If I do see it, many times I step in and TRY to correct it peacefully.  I start to flame when I get flamed.

I live by the converse of the Golden Rule.

I never said it was you doing that, but there are those here, i'm not giving names out, who do try and force OSS on people, because it is OSS.  which is deeply annoying.
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« Reply #74 on: 20 May 2004, 13:19 »
I do not care much about if something is open source, but I do like a program is it is designed well.  I consider Photoshop one program that is really good.  I do not like to use Gimp just becuase it is another program I would have to learn, however I have to give it credit for being free and open source, while photoshop is like a million dollars.
To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination