Author Topic: sue happy  (Read 577 times)


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sue happy
« on: 6 December 2002, 21:43 »
i wonder if i could sue my school for disclosing personal infomation with my permision or something like that. you would not believe how goddamned annoy comet curser and bonzi buddy are. i normaly remove them with the dos prompt becuase they have us locked out of the uninstall for obvious reasons. too bad nobody would understand me when i refuse to use a school computer becuase of something like that.
and the  motivation for something like taht  would be to get rid of it. so these things could be usable agian/*like another post about pop-ups, its hard to do research when being bombarded with adverts*/
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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sue happy
« Reply #1 on: 6 December 2002, 21:54 »
Chaos, maybe you should lay off the drugs a little bit. I understand the finals thing, but you're starting to scare me.


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sue happy
« Reply #2 on: 6 December 2002, 13:24 »
why do you have to use their computers anyway? i know from extensive internet cafe outings that using a communal computer is usually a HUGE waste of your time, compared with using your own, if it is at all possible to do so. I always feel a dread ana paranoia about going to use those internet cafes these days as i feel that once you have paid for your hour, you might find that you have been loocked out from doing all the things you were trying to do. then you wasted you r time and your money.

the last one i was in, they had a really fast internet connection, but the computers were really slow! i had never before worked on a computer which was noticably slower than the internet connection it was attached to! you could tell it had loaded webpagesquickly, for example, but was just struggling to draw the screen up to speed!
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