Author Topic: Windows XP  (Read 870 times)


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Windows XP
« on: 23 March 2002, 01:20 »
Does windows XP keeps information on hidden logs or memory of things u have done on the net or programs that u have run? If so how can someone delete all those historys and hidden files that keep the info storage so if there is an investigation of something they can trace ya by checking this files how can someone delete and get rid of this bitches thx to any comment...


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Windows XP
« Reply #1 on: 25 March 2002, 15:22 »
no, windows xp is totally trustworthy and will never compromise your security. </sarcasm>

actually there's a really easy way to delete those files, you might find it in a few of the other posts on this site.
if you're running XP, you will need to go to Control Panel and create a "Windows XP Emergency Startup Disk", then reboot your computer with the disk in the drive, and when you see this on the screen:
and answer "Y" when prompted. The whole process may take a while depending on how many secret files windows xp has managed to rack up about you so far.
good luck....
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