Author Topic: Windows XP  (Read 1382 times)


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Windows XP
« Reply #15 on: 26 March 2002, 19:14 »
Originally posted by Calum:
Well if it 'rulez' so much, how come i see the blue screen of death more often than i see the 'it is now safe to turn off yr computer' screen?

haha, i get that a helluva lot too. I think i might become a hitman that way i could get a new OS.


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Windows XP
« Reply #16 on: 26 March 2002, 20:19 »
i'm telling you guys, gooseberry sludge is just trying to post one useless piece of crap in every topic, thereby making it easy for his 1 pixel sized webtracker to track everybody who views that page (and whose browser checks for graphics).
He will then sell your info to the terrorists...

Plus, clock, why should an OS crash if i make a mistake? i actually enjoy testing things to destruction. i like to think it should be *difficult* to crash an OS, and that the OS should be good enough to actually *help* people do their work even if they do make mistakes! how out of touch i am, eh? everybody knows computer users should be punished for every step they take "wrong", how else can M$ keep them all in line?
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