taliban? or al-quaeda? two totally different things...
ANyway, maybe whomever these terrorists are don't give a shit whose software they use? they may not have time to be arsed thinking about the political ramifications of their software when they are literally trying to write history themselves. Personally i think it's sloppy not to pay attention to detail like that, i'm sure Stalin or Hitler would have been meticulous down to the last detail (Hitler used IBM's software, hardware and engineers, but that's another story). Still, those are the sort of times we live in!
Re: Johnson DeFey, thanks very much, but as i say, those songs do lack a certain something due to being a bit old. New ones will appear on that page in a month or two. On the other hand, if any of you want to get the current older versions, you better get your skates on and download them, because as soon as i have done my newer versions, these old ones are going in the bin!