Author Topic: i tried the superintendent...  (Read 812 times)


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i tried the superintendent...
« on: 6 February 2003, 06:14 »
I tried talking to the superintendent of my school district, with absolutely no luck. I've forwarded it to the governor, but I doubt it will ever get read. It's a public school, a company should not be allowed to affect my education.


I'm sorry we can't accomodate your request.
Fred Poss
-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:11 PM
To: Poss Fred J.
Subject: Fw: requesting permission

I may be a bit short, I'm sorry. I do not agree that my education should be affected because of my dislike for a company. I've dropped out of cisco, this was the major reason why. I'm happy with my new classes, but I do not think it's fair that this is happening. I've forwarded this to the governor in the hopes of being allowed to use equipment that isn't infested with Microsoft. Taking a quote: " What I was trying to point out was that as long as you need network access to complete assignments or take computer classes like CISCO, you will NEED to use the tools that we provide just like when you will work for an employer in the future." I do not need Microsoft to complete my education, I have provided myself with an alternate means. If there is anything you could do I would appreciate it, our society is growing more dependant on computers and I should not be left behind because of this.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: Truax Debbie M.
To: John
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 9:00 AM
Subject: RE: requesting permission

I think that you may have misunderstood my words a bit.  I have the authority but I cannot grant "access" for a foreign device and program on our network.  It defeats our whole purpose of using standards and security to protect our staff and students.   What I was trying to point out was that as long as you need network access to complete assignments or take computer classes like CISCO, you will NEED to use the tools that we provide just like when you will work for an employer in the future.  And yes, you will need to choose your future employment destination carefully given your strong feelings on the subject.  Conceptually, if you don't take computer classes and you complete your assignments without the use of our electronic storage, you won't need to log onto our network and use Microsoft products, but if you partake in these activities, then you will need to use our tools while on our network.  In other words, if you can complete your assignments using your own software (in printed version) and if that is acceptable to your teachers.  I am sorry that this may cause you some grief and hope that you can see your way clear to minimize your use and conform only when absolutely necessary.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter,
-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 6:18 PM
To: Truax Debbie M.
Subject: Re: requesting permission

You say you do not have the ability to allow this, can you give me a name and e-mail address of someone who can? Considering I do not agree to the Microsoft Windows 2000 EULA, I am not legally capable of using it. I have provided myself with an alternate means. I do not see the difference between the injured using the elevator and me using linux. I'm not asking you to provide me anything, I'm not asking for anything nobody else has. I can understand the teacher's requests though, they have to use the gradebook program and keep track of absense (which is through http as i understand). As for your analogy of employment, I will refuse to work for anyone who forces me into something like this. But in this case, I am here because the law says I have to be (i want to go to school and college, dont get me wrong) and I do not have any other option. But for this particular case, Windows 2000's performance is not what I have a problem with. I find it incredibly insecure and their company's morals are just terrible. But reading the EULA, I do not agree with it. I know it's pointless to sit here and write most of this to you, as you have said that you cannot help me in this situation. But can I get ahold of someone who can? Thank You.
----- Original Message -----
From: Truax Debbie M.
To: John
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: requesting permission

Thank you for your message and for thinking through the options so thoroughly.  Though I don't know you, you sound like quite an intelligent young man who has both skill and personal objectives.  And while I would very much like to support your request, I don't have the ability to allow for this to happen.  We cannot even accommodate teacher requests such as this, if we are to maintain security and standards for teh district that we can support, so although I truly appreciate your feelings, I am afraid that I cannot help you at this time.  This is much like when you will graduate from high school and subsequently college and go to work for a firm where you may need to conduct business in the manner that that company does, and not in the way that you might prefer.  I hope that you will understand and work your way through this, maintaining your principles and integrity, and just using the tools that we do have to offer you at the current time.  Most districts can't even offer the level of technology that we are providing, and I do hope that you are enjoying your CISCO class and all that it ahs to offer you.  Please feel free to contact me in the future should you have questions and thank you again for your inquiry,
Debbie M. Truax
[email protected]
Technology Implementation Manager
Mukilteo School District No.6

-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:15 PM
To: Truax Debbie M.
Subject: requesting permission

I'm not exactly sure if it is necessary to request your, or anyone's, permission but I thought I better just to be sure. I'm a student at Mariner High School, and am terribly against Microsoft. They are one of the few things in this world I full heartedly hate. I hate they way they lie to the public, the way they force updates on me, the way their products are ridden with bugs, their incredible insecurity, and the contridictions I hear from them. So I choose not to use them. I am running Slackware 8.1 on my laptop, and would like to be able to use it at school with the same networking permissions as my peers. I have a computer class and I don't need any special software they have, I just need the web browser and a word processor. I have this stuff with slackware. I am asking you if I can use my laptop, plug it into the network, and do my everyday tasks. Such as saving my files on my "H Drive (\\ma1srv\%username%$)", and use the proxy server to access the cisco site. I do not need any special instructions for accessing my saved files on the network, but as for the cisco site I would need the address of the proxy server and the port it is running on. (http, https, socks). I do not feel my education should be altered because of my feelings for a company.
Thank you,

damn nation

[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: Stryker ]


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #1 on: 6 February 2003, 06:42 »
They obviously don't give a damn and they already had their minds made up to begin with. Locke probably won't respond to anything that has anything to do with education at the moment, considering the amount of complaint emails he's getting from teachers around the state right now. I would cut my losses.

I know what it's like, I have to use Windows at school too. It's not that bad, just have the state of mind that you're taking advantage of Microsoft whenever you use their product. Sort of works for me.


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #2 on: 6 February 2003, 07:16 »
I have to use it at school but were not allowed to do anything on the schools computers they locked everything except the programs. you can't even drag and drop. but its ok cause i don't really get to get on it except once a day at library but i just surf the web


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #3 on: 6 February 2003, 07:27 »
But still, I had to drop a class because of it. A friend of mine who was in a different class, that i had to switch to keep my lunch, is taking it personally as if I had something against them. I can't say that this is anyone's fault but theirs, but it wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to switch. I can't do anything on their computer either, i can drag and drop though. And I just dropping this isn't taking advantage of microsoft, it's encouraging them. If I could get myself heard more people would start doing the same. I've emailed the news (Q13, but they're fun to watch) with everything that I have said and received from my school. Someone out there has to care about my disrupted education.


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #4 on: 6 February 2003, 07:50 »
Yup, if you piss people off, they will notice. I highly recommend controversy. It's a lot of fun, and it gets you and your cause noticed.

Administration hates heat and pressure too. They cave in like crazy if you get them under enough pressure. News is a great way to get noticed. If it does get posted somewhere, make sure you forward it to your superintendent and "Debbie".

Did you try Slashdot? That would be friggin awesome if you got recognized there.

[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #5 on: 6 February 2003, 08:32 »
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
Yup, if you piss people off, they will notice. I highly recommend controversy. It's a lot of fun, and it gets you and your cause noticed.

Administration hates heat and pressure too. They cave in like crazy if you get them under enough pressure. News is a great way to get noticed. If it does get posted somewhere, make sure you forward it to your superintendent and "Debbie".

Did you try Slashdot? That would be friggin awesome if you got recognized there.

[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

I'll try /. tomorrow, I'll have to write up a niec little essay though. Do you think I should include the emails themselves?


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #6 on: 6 February 2003, 12:55 »
Originally posted by Stryker:
I've emailed the news (Q13, but they're fun to watch) with everything that I have said and received from my school.

Leslie Miller!

NWCN might listen to you. They have weirder, cheaper, and more obscure stories than this every day.

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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #7 on: 6 February 2003, 17:27 »
Originally posted by Stryker:

I'll try /. tomorrow, I'll have to write up a niec little essay though. Do you think I should include the emails themselves?

yes i would recommend including the emails.
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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #8 on: 6 February 2003, 22:11 »
Piss those fuckin' cunts off as much as you can! Write that essay and include those e-mails as well!

God I'm so pissed now. I hate reading about cases like this one!   :mad:


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #9 on: 7 February 2003, 00:41 »
YES! Kick their asses.

My school doesn't like students putting non-school computers on the network. If they were approached by a case like this though, they would allow the Linux computer to be connected. I already know the firewall's address anyway  :D

BTW: That Leslie Miller chick is hot (from the neck up anyway)...


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i tried the superintendent...
« Reply #10 on: 7 February 2003, 04:48 »
Stryker - that was cool.

You remained polite and kept to the point, neither that easy to do.

If 99 people say "Yes" and one person says "NO" the rest wonder if they made the right choice.

You have achieve more than you realise.

Good luck withthe news thing - yes send emails.


PS hahahahahahahahahahahaha
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