Author Topic: US/Iraq  (Read 3836 times)


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« Reply #60 on: 5 September 2002, 02:13 »
ummm, im here cuase alot of things piss me off. ms is a small problem with whats getting ready to go down. i mean i heard someone say, "wow one nuke, big deal, we have thousands", must i remind you of the damage done to hiroshima and nagasakie with a fairly primative atom-bomb?/*can't spell*/, BOOM, there goes the rest of new york, or maybe washington d.c., or whatever major city they wanted to. and you think it would be hard to get a nuke in here? we are FUCKED. and for the u.s. no empire lasts for ever, look at the romans, the most powerful empire in the world at the time, and they fell. so you think the u.s. will last forever, NO. so enjoy it while you can.
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« Reply #61 on: 5 September 2002, 02:16 »
The 'american empire' is indeed in it's closing stages. It happens to them all...
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« Reply #62 on: 5 September 2002, 02:17 »
Originally posted by eradicator:
to tell the truth, i haven't seen one news article about the US/Iraq thing. nor do i know anyone online or offline talking about it. i guess it's not too important?

anyways, i doubt we will go to war with anyone, americans are cheap. and war is expensive.


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« Reply #63 on: 5 September 2002, 04:04 »
Uhm, to elaborate on what news I watch...

I watch none.  I barely watch television as is.  Now I do read reports off of the news websites and FOX news is a joke.


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« Reply #64 on: 5 September 2002, 04:07 »
Originally posted by flap:
Point noted; blood pressure dropping.

To be honest I had gained the general impression that you were right leaning but always imagined you to be something like a Libertarian. That is, as far as I can gather from what I know about them (not much), basically right wing but less populist and more individualist than traditional right parties, and placing more importance on personal freedom.

I'm just really surprised at you supporting an institution like the Republican Party and people like Bush, who are a massive reason why big businesses like Microsoft, and all the other giants who are in bed with that party, continue to get away with screwing everyone over.

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: flap ]

You are probably more right about me than you think and I'm sorry for the off color attempts at humor at your expense. I personally wish there were ways to take the good things out of each party and create a super-party. And I agree with some of the things in your last post.

Hey we all get on each other's case once in a while. Question is, can we move on (Calum and I have had a few knock down drag outs, then we go have a beer at the pub). But if it were possible I would rather avoid polital discussions (as well as religious discussions even though they can be quite humorous). Problem is, someone always starts one, and no matter how hard I try to stay out of the, I have to put my 6% in...
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« Reply #65 on: 5 September 2002, 05:06 »
If the US does go to war with Iraq, I'm goin to Sweden...fuck this...the odds of me being spontaneously killed are too fucking high here. Crime + Terrorism + Misc countries US pissed off. The odds of me being in the direct vicinity of the WTC on that Tuesday were extremely high...too high for comfort.



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« Reply #66 on: 5 September 2002, 05:08 »
Originally posted by Tux:
The 'american empire' is indeed in it's closing stages. It happens to them all...

Romans lasted for more than 1000 years. America has been around 200, it's still got some life left in it.

Livy said that the downfall of Roman society was it;s abandonment of it's founders ideals and the embrace of a hedonistic and decadent lifestyle.

Live lived a few centuries before Romes colapse, and the society was so decadent that it partied for about 350 days out of the year. No one had to work, it was all slave labor and indulgance. Heck, after 10 years even the slaves didn't have to do shit.

Anyway, I don't think the USA has gotten to that point quite yet. Some people would acuse us of such (and sometimes I even belive it) but the fact is, that we embrace all of the ideals which Livy recognisied as those which keped a society alive. We have our ups and downs, but we'll survive for a good long while.

Hell, listend to me, and I don't even consider myself a total patriot  :D


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« Reply #67 on: 5 September 2002, 05:22 »
The thing that will cripple USA is if they close their borders.

 No i dont believe that every immigrant that comes here is a Saint. But the majority of immigrants work their ass so hard, that in their life time they achieve so much that it just drops your jaw.

 And most of all, since USA is The SuperPower, it needs immigrants, so it wont lose track of reality on whats going on around the world. Immigrants help this country to  keep its feet grounded and not wonder up in the clouds like an L.A supermodel.

   And  I also strongly believe that USA will close the show on what is so far known as "Empire."
   We are not that far from earth being ONE country. Look what is going on. Europe has the Euro which almost has the same value as the Dollar. Global economy (internet and so on). English is the Universal language. Period.

  I think in about 100 years earth will be on the same stage as Europe is right now. Droping down its borders and trying to be one.


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« Reply #68 on: 5 September 2002, 06:16 »
ummm, light bulb bomb, discredit that one?. ever taken a wet napkin and put it on a blacklight, or just spit on a hot one?. POP, and it glows and smoke pours out for 2 seconds before it burns out. thats why i only have one blacklight left.

as for voidmain talking about age, comeone, im only 15. and i try to learn about past mistakes, i mean, having a dad that worked in mumitions during veitnam/*no he didn't kill people, he loaded bombs onto planes so the plane could go kill people*/ i hear alot about the kinda shit that the US government trys to pull. and since he works for the government now, i here alot from him. and for fox news, better then cnn, atleast there funny in the morning.
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« Reply #69 on: 5 September 2002, 07:34 »
You are correct about there being many political mistakes in Vietnam and you are lucky to have a dad who can tell you the "true" story.  Have you ever been taught things in school about it that maybe your dad would disagree with? I was fortunate enough to have been part of a war where we were able to take the lessons learned in Vietnam and not make the same ones twice.  

I also happened to work with some people there who also served in Vietnam and they had me scared shitless before the shit hit the fan and things actually started happening on Jan 17th. And I was scared shitless for quite some time after that day.  Scuds coming in, planes coming in shot up and crashing around us, etc... I knew a couple of the pilots that we lost and a couple who were taken POW. But it certainly could have been much worse.  

Fortunately because of the mistakes learned from Vietnam we didn't have the political strings tied to us like in Vietnam (except for maybe taking that one last step that may have prevented the problem that we have today).

I can tell you that I deeply admire your dad and everyone else who had to go through that ordeal, and you should too. In a way, he saved my ass. It wasn't the greatest time in our history but hopefully we can continue to learn great lessons from it.

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #70 on: 5 September 2002, 07:58 »
did you ever serve in utapo/*i think thats how its spelled*/ thailand?

as for this new war, well, once we go after iraq, ever country over thier is probably giong to jion the attack america bandwagon
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« Reply #71 on: 5 September 2002, 08:08 »
No I did not serve in Tailand. I didn't join the AF until 1981.  And I am not ready to say that we are going to go to "war" with Iraq.  I really hope it doesn't come to this.  I almost think it could be a little "Sabre rattling" to try and scare Saddam into letting the inspectors back in unimpeded. Or to hope for a coup but I seriously doubt that will happen or it would have already happened.  He must be a little nervous because he already said he would let the inspectors back in "with conditions" (unacceptable conditions of course, typical).

People seem to forget that the Gulf war ended under certain conditions with Iraq as the loser and having agreed to those conditions. They consistently break those conditions and agreements.  These conditions and agreements are not peanuts.  They *must* be followed for good reason. Now people get all bent out of shape because those conditions need to be enforced. Iraq with a nuke is a very scary thought in my book. They consistenly do not want to play by the rules.

And I certainly hope that the one lesson we have learned is not to go into anything like this without full support.  Sure there is harsh talk right now but until something actually happens there is a big gap between bark and bite.  There is no doubt that it *could* happen.  I just don't think it will, unless there is proof that national security depends on it.  And if proof exists that national security depends on it, then the "having support" thing doesn't really matter any more, it will have to be done regardless.  It certainly would be better with support but it isn't necessary in the case of seriously threatened national security.

Of course I'm sure I am opening myself up to some more harsh debate here but that's the way I see things...

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #72 on: 5 September 2002, 08:43 »
Uhm, choasforges, I think that a few of the Mods and regulars on the forum can vouch that I know my stuff when it comes to explosives and the ilk.  So let's please end it at that.  I'm known for steering threads offtopic like this...
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« Reply #73 on: 5 September 2002, 13:03 »
On a related note, I happened to be flipping through the channels and decided to stop on MSNBC to see what the opposition has to say. I happened to catch the Donahue program. Talk about a man who doesn't have two single brain cells to rub together (Donahue).  And he even uses a "D" in a diamond for the logo on the show. It certainly has more than one meaning. Donahue of course, and surely Democrat, but most fittingly "Dummy".

I had heard him on a radio talk show as well (not Limbaugh, a non biased news show actually and I don't remember which one it was at the moment) and he just about made me want to puke. And to think I used to watch his talk show when I was a kid and actually liked him. Maybe because at that time I had no clue. He was talking about this precise subject with a republican congressman. The debate went pretty much like our little debate here, scary.  

The first thing he brought up was "sending in hundreds of thousands of troops" which I don't believe will be necessary and the congressmen pointed out it could be as simple as strategically taking out a nuclear development center with little or no casualties (as was done by Isreal previously with only one death).

The second thing he brought up is "America doesn't strike first, the big kid in the schoolyard doesn't go around punching people because he is afraid the smaller kids are going to punch him first".  Of course if the deranged smaller kid had a nuke those rules might not apply.  

Third thing "how are you going to stop them from getting them into the country with the thousands of cargo containers coming in daily? It's like trying to stop drugs from coming into the country". I about fell out of my chair on this one. The congressman replied, "that's precisely my point, and why we must not allow them to get to the stage of having nuclear weapons".

And it isn't just America who should be concerned about this. There are any number of countries this guy could plant one just for thrills. Of course he would have to be extremely insane to do something like this as it would certainly be his demise but I believe he has well proven himself to be insane.

Now I wish the transcripts were available as this surely isn't verbatim but the transcripts are not available yet. Hopefully they will be and I will post a link.

In the mean time, here is a link to an article I found interesting. It seems to slam both the left and the right equally heavy and I don't know the background of the site, whether it is left, right, middle, other:

By the way, my own house seems to be broken down the middle on this left/right thing.  My wife and daughter were pulling heavily for Gore in the last election.  My son and I were pulling heavily for Bush.  Makes life interesting being split among party lines even within the family (actually it's not a problem at all, we're also split along religious lines).
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« Reply #74 on: 5 September 2002, 13:57 »
And here is another interesting reader feedback from another article on the same site I linked above. It resembles the view of another post I saw in this thread (near the end). But it is much longer and much more descriptive.  Also interesting:

Looks like I really need to stay out of the political debates. These people are way outta my league... Linux anyone?

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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