Author Topic: Windows XP User and his respondents  (Read 1275 times)


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« on: 7 June 2002, 15:15 »
Well at first it was enough to respond to Windows XP User's moronic comments decrying each one in turn because that's what you do when people tell you what their idea of the truth is and do not listen to anybody else.

Then, it was enough to tell him to piss off whenever he posted, when it became obvious that he was not even interested in posting relevant information in relevant topics (which is reallynot that hard).

Then it became obvious that he was periodically posting in ever topic in the "Today's Active Topics" list one after the other with deliberately inflammatory posts. This in itself is not too huge a problem, the knock on effect however was huge. For each one of his posts there are usually several angry responses, often within minutes. After that a discussion often does not get back on subject, or if it does, many people will steer clear of it because they do not wish to read through pages of flames just to get to the substance.

Windows XP User has made almost 60 posts and to nearly every one of these, there has been roughly three or four angry replies. This makes 200 to 300 useless posts in total, clogging up the boards and wasting everybody's time. It is my opinion that this is exactly the effect that windows XP user wishes to perpetuate.

In response I took the ill-fated decision to delete a couple of XP User's more worthless posts in the hope that this would curb the flow of angry responses flooding in by the minute and clogging up the forums, but this had little real effect.

It has been mentioned to me that deleting posts for reasons other than that they contain illegal content is a very bad idea since it denies true freedom of speech. Now that this has been pointed out to me i agree totally, and I will not be deleting any of XP User's posts from now on unless they do contain illegal content (and they will not, i am almost certain).

This does however leave the matter of the angry responses. I am asking everyone who posts in these forumsto please not respond to Windows XP User's posts unless there is something of relevance and substance to respond to. I am not asking in my capacity as a moderator or anything pious like that, just as someone who likes to read through a topic without having to skim all the insults just to get to the actual information, discussion or subject matter.

There's only so many times you can tell someone to go away, and i think XP user has used up his quota.

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #1 on: 7 June 2002, 19:20 »
Ok, don't delete his posts, just delete HIM.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #2 on: 7 June 2002, 19:44 »
I happened to be the first one along with psyjax if I remember correctly, to answer this moron's questions. I admit that my response was furious but after reading some of his later posts, I realized that there really is no point in replying. Looks like the more you reply to him, the worse he gets. It's like encouraging him to post more of his silly "ideas" or "opinions" in here. So, no more writing back from me. And since the webmaster doesn't want to delete his account then I suggest everyone to do exactly the same. Just ignore the fuck. We've given him enough credit already.

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: hoojchoons ]


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #3 on: 7 June 2002, 19:49 »
i agree with you both completely.

The webmaster places free speech over an easy life, and this is very admirable. So the downside is that XP User stays as long as he wants to.

Don't feel bad about previous replies, i dignified him with a response at least as much as anybody else, but that is over now, i will boycott him completely from now on. I won't even read his posts.
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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #4 on: 7 June 2002, 19:52 »
At first i thought he was just some smartass having a joke. And it was quite amusing at first. But now i have noticed that he is just a lamer. And also in my research on his IP's at various times and other information, such as spelling and writing styles seem very, very simlar to goosenbury clock's. I think that if we just ignore hime like i usually do we will be fine.

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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #5 on: 8 June 2002, 01:34 »
He seems to now have some common sense, but still seems actually like windows. I have noticed that he has started actually trying to convince people why windows isnt as bad as they think. He actually tries to help people with their windows problems (whether they want it or not). But he shouldnt get deleted or censored. We shouldnt delete his posts. If he has started a truly useless thread, that is no way related to anything, then we should close it, but dont delete it.
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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #6 on: 8 June 2002, 03:29 »
Have you seen his recent post in Linux/Unix?
Great readin material really.  I only respnded to it becuase it seems like he is trying to make an argument, sorta.  Oh well.

Maybe after enough time following this new plan you have presented, he will go away out of boredom.


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #7 on: 8 June 2002, 07:28 »
Ok, so I guess we ignore him and he pisses off. But can we freely delete the posts of users which post hate material containing homophobic and racist speech (Mac Hater, who has contributed 0% quality posts to this forum and did nothing but make slams against other people's lifestyles)?


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #8 on: 8 June 2002, 07:48 »
Now he seems to be spamming and looking for absolutely anything to get people to use Windows and to hate Linux.
This kid is getting really annoying!


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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #9 on: 9 June 2002, 00:41 »
ravuya, homophobia and racism are discriminatory, and therefore, surely they are illegal. I know you cannot discriminate legally in this way when employing someone. Myself, i will continue to be dead set against any homophobic or racist posts, i may delete them, or give one warning and then a deletion. XP user has not reached that high level of offensiveness, so that's why i will not be deleting any more of his efforts. Not sure if this opinion is the official opinion from Webmaster though... i'd like to think so.
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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #10 on: 9 June 2002, 04:56 »
XP User isnt using discriminatory speech in most of his posts. The only two people that i really think should be / have been banned are Flaming bag of shit and Mac Hater, both of which contributed 0% and just made discrimanatory slurs.
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Windows XP User and his respondents
« Reply #11 on: 9 June 2002, 05:19 »
I believe the kernel headers are located in /usr/src/linux-2.4.8 (if you haven't updated the Linux kernel) in Mandrake Linux 8.1.

Really, though, you should be using Windows; you don't have to compile anything on Windows because Microsoft is the only one with the source code anyway.

This is a recent XP User post. He actually helps the person with their question, but he still 'suggests' using windows. This is the reason he should be allowed to post. He helps out in some of his posts, whether he is still trying to pimp windows, he is still helping and contributing.
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