Author Topic: A question I posed to my friends.  (Read 894 times)


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A question I posed to my friends.
« on: 2 May 2002, 21:30 »
I asked the following question, just thinking one night about how I honestly would not rely on MS systems if given the choice.

Here is the question:

You are stranded on an island.  There is one machine there with a
connection, satellite wireless, and it is a Windows machine.  For some
strange reason, if you reboot, you will lose the connection.  But you have
to reboot, at least you are ASSUMING IT WILL HELP, because when you
attempt to load any application, EXCEPT FTP,
the machine refuses to start the application.

What do you do you do?

And here was my favorite answer:

c:\  ftp
mget floppies/*flp
mget tools/rawrite.exe
mget tools/bootmgr.exe


partition c:\ with Windows2000 drive mgr. 1.44mb part

make that y:\


make that z:\


c:\rawrite kern.flp y:\
c:\rawrite mfsroot.flp z:\

Write BSD bootmgr to MBR? y


FreedBSD boot prompt
? boot asd1a

which slice is file system?
? asd2a
Booting FreeBSD kernel.....

Install over the wireless connection. Never worry about such bullshit


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A question I posed to my friends.
« Reply #1 on: 3 May 2002, 02:10 »
then start up a dot com company and build a big house on your island, retiring in paradise with zero investment
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.