Author Topic: Hacking 30-day trial licenses  (Read 1099 times)


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Hacking 30-day trial licenses
« on: 5 February 2002, 06:34 »
Does anyone know how to hack through a 30-day license problem. I am trying to re-install a program that gives you a free 30-day trial (Protel 99 SE), but the brilliant mf'ing microsoft people have either hidden a file in the Windows directory, or hidden something in the registry.  If I can just get my computer back to the state it was in BEFORE the first installation I should be fine... Any ideas?

(I've tried deleting everything I can find out of the registry, and I don't know exactly how to find a hidden file that they would be using)

Thanks, yO!

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Hacking 30-day trial licenses
« Reply #1 on: 5 February 2002, 15:25 »
there are a few ways of doing it, it depends what program you're using. why not try one of the bulletin boards where people are interested in making windows programs work? I would recommend one of the ones where people believe that it's good ethics to crack a demo copy of a program just because you can (actually it often is in my opinion, but there are many exceptions). You may get more bites there...
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Hacking 30-day trial licenses
« Reply #2 on: 6 February 2002, 15:10 »
For most windows programs turning back your system date is sufficient, there is even a program out there I think which allows you to set a date for individual programs.
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