Author Topic: "serial sniper"  (Read 6600 times)


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #30 on: 8 October 2002, 13:51 »
Hmmm, what do you make of this:,2933,59866,00.html

Are these people way off base? Of course there are many arguments on both side. Who's right? All I know  is my father-in-law likes to hunt. And I like the freezer full of deer meat I get from him every year. Sure, he could use a bow and arrow I suppose.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #31 on: 8 October 2002, 19:03 »
Well I think we can agree there are a lot of sick fucks out there. Personally there are two things here that really piss me off (aside from the fact that some sick fuck is killing people sniper fashion).

1. The News was last night full of the gun being used. I forget what type but apparently experts call it  'the perfect killing machine' or something of that nature - well that is just newscast hyperbole, what freaks me out is the almost erotic attachment these experts (and the news media attach more) have to guns - those people are the sick fucks, I am willing to bet that whoever this turns out to be (black, white, male, female, terrorist, internal nutter, druggie, whatever) will have an unnatural attachment to guns.

2. Yet again we have a killing - rampage may not be the right word here, but you know what I mean - where high power or high performance guns are the objects being used. Gun restrictions laws should apply to these types of weapons.

That was an interesting link void, worthy of further investigation - one day if gun control ever becomes important in my life.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #32 on: 8 October 2002, 20:04 »
What you have to worry about is all the other sick fucks that say,
'Hey!, this guy is killing many innocent civilians and getting away with it.'
Think of how many wierdo's would like to (and may will) do a copy-cat killing of this.

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #33 on: 8 October 2002, 20:15 »
they will catch him, according to the prophecy.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #34 on: 8 October 2002, 20:37 »
And you know, if there was no gun control there would be a chance that a civilian nearby a snipe scene would see who popped off the shot and would be able to whip out his sidearm and blow the sniper to smitherines(I know, that is overzealous thinking..but, I gotta be creative ;P).

Hey Zombie, that reminds me of this comic I saw with the caption "If America was truly the land of the free". It shows some arab dudes with those silly knives highjacking an airplane, and all the passengers have pistols and are pointing them at the hijackers.  

Just wait until he snipes YOU down, then we'll see how "neat" the concept it.

Hey im not saying it's good, it's just one of those cool/uncool things. It's uncool that he killed people, but the whole concept of what happening is still sorta cool in a wierd way. Oh well, im wierd.  

Ok but what's worse then gun control, or just as bad? The US labeling this as a terrorist incident, then using it as an excuse to take away personal freedoms.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #35 on: 8 October 2002, 20:38 »
Originally posted by Tux:
What you have to worry about is all the other sick fucks that say,
'Hey!, this guy is killing many innocent civilians and getting away with it.'
Think of how many wierdo's would like to (and may will) do a copy-cat killing of this.

That's why I say this is a form of a domestic terror. People are afraid to go out of their homes and of copy-cats. However, I am not one that lives in fear. Life is dangerous, but it can be very enjoyable if you can live it without fear. The little attention starved loser will be caught and life will go on.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #36 on: 8 October 2002, 21:03 »
Something to consider:
If I wanted to create terror, I can't really see a better method than random sniper attacks; if I had followers that were willing to fly an airplane ito a building, how difficult would it be to have them conduct random sniper attacks and risk arrest and conviction for first degree murder; even if they were sentenced to death, it would be fine with them; remember, these people want to be "martyrs", plus, our "News" networks would eat this up like good candy; THAT'S how you terrorize, and consequently, parylize a society.  If what I'm saying were true, the United States would have to adopt a civilian attitude like Israel; willingness to accept the deaths of civilians without disruption of daily life; I don't know if the U.S. is ready to do that.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #37 on: 8 October 2002, 22:10 »
I allways thought the idea of the right to bear arms had to do with the ability of americas people to fight off opression. That way, if the government ever did become a tyranny, the people would still have the means to revolt.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #38 on: 8 October 2002, 22:12 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
I allways thought the idea of the right to bear arms had to do with the ability of americas people to fight off opression. That way, if the government ever did become a tyranny, the people would still have the means to revolt.

That's where it started....
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #39 on: 8 October 2002, 22:54 »
That's why I say this is a form of a domestic terror. People are afraid to go out of their homes and of copy-cats. However, I am not one that lives in fear. Life is dangerous, but it can be very enjoyable if you can live it without fear. The little attention starved loser will be caught and life will go on.

He's using a .223 rifle, or so I heard mentioned. Question is, does he take the time to aim for the brain? Media is so friggin dumb. IE:Sniper kills people. And am like how? Did he have to shoot them 6 times in the torso? Did he just hit the brain once? Did the victims die of bloodloss or in hospital? Stupid media.  :(

I mean class III body armor would totally save your ass against Mr sniper, but that's not nice to always be wearing.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #40 on: 9 October 2002, 00:48 »
Originally posted by void main:

Like many of your posts lately I was right with you up until your last sentence. Maybe you should leave the last sentence out of your posts from now on and you will be my hero.

heheh just trying to offend someone out there!


6 people hardly constitutes a jihad.

its a media frenzy, like a little girl getting killed.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #41 on: 9 October 2002, 19:32 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:

He's using a .223 rifle, or so I heard mentioned. Question is, does he take the time to aim for the brain? Media is so friggin dumb. IE:Sniper kills people. And am like how? Did he have to shoot them 6 times in the torso? Did he just hit the brain once? Did the victims die of bloodloss or in hospital? Stupid media.   :(  

I mean class III body armor would totally save your ass against Mr sniper, but that's not nice to always be wearing.

My father was a Marine during WWII; on Bouganville, the Japanese snipers started using greased cocoanut wood bullets, the reason being, if you hit a man ANYWHERE on his body, the projectile shattered and tumbled; that left horrendous damage, so they effectively removed about 4 potential combatants, because it takes several men to tend one wounded soldier.  Sometimes killing an opponent isn't the best idea.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #42 on: 9 October 2002, 19:51 »
Originally posted by creedon:

My father was a Marine during WWII; on Bouganville, the Japanese snipers started using greased cocoanut wood bullets, the reason being, if you hit a man ANYWHERE on his body, the projectile shattered and tumbled; that left horrendous damage, so they effectively removed about 4 potential combatants, because it takes several men to tend one wounded soldier.  Sometimes killing an opponent isn't the best idea.

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #43 on: 9 October 2002, 20:26 »
right. several things.

this shooting is sick and deserves a really nasty punishment.

this will get turned into a 'war on terrorism' issue, if it possibly can

this IS a gun control issue, whether you choose to ignore that fact or not

it is in no way 'neat' or 'cool' or anything of the sort.

Also, how do you know that these shootings are the same guy if they haven't caught him? might be some weird cult all killing different people at arranged times... i heard that there were several different weapons involved (but that several of the killings had been made using the same gun).
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #44 on: 9 October 2002, 21:12 »
im not a gun  control freak either but this brings to mind a quote

"they say guns dont kill people, people do. But i think the gun helps. you cant just sit there and go BANG! BOOM! POW! BANG BANG! and expect a person to die..youd have to be really dodgy on the heart.." -Eddie Izzard
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