Author Topic: "serial sniper"  (Read 6608 times)


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #45 on: 9 October 2002, 21:12 »
No, this is a crime by a lunatic that happens to involve a gun, not a gun control issue. Just the other day someone drove their pickup through a crowd of people killing them. Where's the "truck control" issue?

No news channel or newspaper I have read on the subject has mentioned a *single* connection to the "war on terror". Nada. It appears to be one person, using the same gun in every case.

This is not a new concept. There have been several serial killers in the past. The last big one I recall was the guy lured boys to his house, had sex with them, killed them (not with a gun), then ate some of them and stored many of them in his refridgerator. When people are fucked in the head and want to kill, they are going to kill. Like the Boston Strangler, etc, etc..

And what about the mailbox bomber? Seems to me that making a pipe bomb is already illegal. That should have stopped him right there right?

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #46 on: 9 October 2002, 22:16 »
Originally posted by void main:
No, this is a crime by a lunatic that happens to involve a gun, not a gun control issue. Just the other day someone drove their pickup through a crowd of people killing them. Where's the "truck control" issue?
while you might think i am being funny here, i agree, truck control should indeed be tighter regulated. In this country anyway, driving laws are poor and are upheld badly, resulting in many more deaths and injuries than are really necessary.

No news channel or newspaper I have read on the subject has mentioned a *single* connection to the "war on terror". Nada. It appears to be one person, using the same gun in every case.
in that case i am very happy. Not about the gunperson, but about the non-'war' thing.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #47 on: 9 October 2002, 22:37 »
And your truck control example is a good example. But it doesn't work when people blatently break those laws in order to kill someone. No amount of truck control will prevent road rage (road rage may only be an American thing).

A justified argument for gun control is one similar to your truck example. Laws that make sure legal gun owners keep there gun in a locked safe so kids can't accidentally get into them and play cowboys and indians thinking they have a toy gun. Of course if a kid's dad breaks the law and leaves his gun out a kid could still die playing with it.

This example is a clear case of someone breaking the law. Last time I checked murder is against our laws. People who break the law will get a gun anyway. I hate for the day to come that only the criminals in our country are allowed to carry a gun.

I don't have any stats on this at my fingertips but I believe this would have been argued in the past. Without looking at those arguments in my mind it is logical if the posession of a firearm is legal, then a robber would think twice before breaking an entering a residence. If owning a gun is illegal, it's open game in the city for robbery. And just for your information, I haven't owned a gun in 20 years but I am *totally* against banning them. Let's say a robber has two houses to choose from to rob. He knows one house is owned by a person who owns a gun and he knows the second house is owned by a person who doesn't have a gun. Which one would *you* rob? Sure, the one with the most loot, I know...

Sure most robbers are dumb and won't think about this and rob anyway but some may think twice. And this is only one example of my feelings on the protection part of it. Hell, not only should it be *mandatory* that everyone have a gun (semi-joking on this one) but gun safety classes should be mandatory by all ages so the kids know the difference between a real gun and a play gun, and they will know what kind of damage a real gun can cause.

I also believe I should be allowed to hunt with a gun. I grew up on a farm. I started hunting when I was a child. Many of my friends hunted. We were taught *strict* gun safety before we were allowed to carry a gun safely.

I tell you what should be outlawed. It's those sub 10 second crotch rockets all the 18 year old kids are riding around on at 150mph in a pair of shorts and no helmet with their girl friends on the back. And I'm an avid motorcyclist.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #48 on: 9 October 2002, 22:51 »
it is in no way 'neat' or 'cool' or anything of the sort.

Oh goddammit, I can't help it if I think like Beavis and Butthead!  ;)
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #49 on: 9 October 2002, 23:46 »
Why is it that everytime someone gets shot, people would rather talk about banning guns than catching the fucker who is shooting people. This one might be a serial killer. I mean how many others would kill this many people. Hes obviously not a hitman since hes killing children and seemingly random people. I dont think a gangbanger would kill like this either. Are all the victims black, or other ethnic groups than white? Maybe he's a racial extremist. I looked up similar cases in the past and this is what I found.

In this case the which seems similar, the suspect was a gun enthusiast with a criminal record. He was described to be more of a serial killer.

This is a bit of an older case, but this time the killings were performed by a seemingly normal person. He had no criminal record, but a brain tumor was believed to be effecting his mind.

In this case the killer was racially motivated and his killing spree went on for years.

Whatever the case I think they need to get this one quick.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #50 on: 10 October 2002, 00:31 »
Good points made in this thread...

I grew up in Montgomery Gounty, MD, so this thing is hitting me a little closer to the heart. I used to go to that Shell Station everyday for gas and smokes, so it kind of gets you thinking. I have family and freinds in thgat area, and I am greatly concerned.

Regarding  The Second Amendment: It was put in place back in the 1700s, not for Americans to be able to arm themselves in fear of a tyrant taking control of the government.  That is why we have the electoral college.  The 2nd Amendment was passed because back in that period pioneers were starting to move westward toward the plains to settle.  It was made so those people would have a right to keep and bear arms for their own protection against Indians and vagabonds that might threaten "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The argument of gun control is futile.  Maryland law regulates the sale and possession of assault weapons (which has been determined that this is what this guy is AR-15, although there are several guns that will fire that caliber ((.223)) bullet.) I now live in Los Angeles, inside a state that has the most strict gun laws in the US. ALL assault weapons are banned in California, even some old WWII and WWI carbines that you wouldn't even consider as assault weapons. Murders still roll on, and assault weapons are still used.  Basically, these "gun control" laws control only the law abiding gun owners, such as myself who obey them out of fear of going to jail and getting ass-raped by some hariy lawn-ape. Criminals who get their hands on these guns, and that don't give a fuck about ANY law, let alone gun laws, are the ones causing the problems.

Hopefully, they will catch this jerkoff soon.  Like all serial killers, the cops just have to wait for this guy to fuck up. That's how NYPD got the Son of Sam. A friggin parking ticket did that guy in.  They got Dahmer because he forgot to re-up on some air-freshener.  I know the general terrain in MoCo, MD, and from what I have gathered, this guy is using wooded areas to hide and pick out his targets. If the police would comb the wooded areas that border high-traffic places, such as Rockville, they might be able to catch this guy in the act. Hopefully they will get him soon.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #51 on: 10 October 2002, 02:02 »
i live in Prince William county Va and there was just a shooting there in 234. a truck driver was shot at. i am not sure if he was hit but they did hit the window. My HS that i was at was right along that road. I am scared shitless. They say it might have just been a hunter b/c there are hunting grounds around there but i am skeptical of that. dont hunting grounds have to be so far away or something. So right now i am hiding in my room not wanting to come out and my mom is goin make me goto skool tommorow it sucks
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #52 on: 10 October 2002, 02:09 »
Hopefully, they will catch this jerkoff soon. Like all serial killers, the cops just have to wait for this guy to fuck up. That's how NYPD got the Son of Sam. A friggin parking ticket did that guy in. They got Dahmer because he forgot to re-up on some air-freshener. I know the general terrain in MoCo, MD, and from what I have gathered, this guy is using wooded areas to hide and pick out his targets. If the police would comb the wooded areas that border high-traffic places, such as Rockville, they might be able to catch this guy in the act. Hopefully they will get him soon.

I just hope they'd be smart enough to wear body armor(particulary head protection) if they searched those woods. Would be pretty easy for the sniper to take several unsuspecting police officers down IF he got the jump.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #53 on: 10 October 2002, 03:53 »
Regarding the woods. I think they should ban all trees. Cut down all the trees and he'll have no place to hide which will end the killings. Regarding being afraid to go to school, get your own gun and shoot back at the sick SOB. Maybe he'll think twice about doing it again.

Seriously, I would be scared too. But it *is* a good reason to get out of school. I used to have to resort to much weaker excuses to get out of school. I think you just have to put it into perspective though. What is the rate at which the killings are going on?  Maybe 1 every two days?  How many people live in within the perimeter of the area where the shootings are going on?  

Now figure out the odds that it will be you that gets it next. Once you figure that out, figure out the odds of a car veering off the road and running you over because of a mechanical problem or from a police chase. I think you will find the odds to be similar. So really, as scary as this shit is, the odds of you dying from something else are probably much greater and you've grown to live with those odds. Same with this.

You should be concerned, it's a natural reaction. You should also be cognizant (keep your eyes open) in case you do hear a shot you might be able to help the cops find this SOB.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #54 on: 10 October 2002, 04:18 »
Im not sure if the Second amendment has anything to do with westward expansion considering that most of that took place in the 19th century.

In a book I read once on the issue "To Keep and Bear arms" the auther (whose name I can't remember) speaks of the early settlments and how in order to deffend them, the local govt. would recruit militia from amongst the populace.

When the constitution was drafterd, this idea of individual comunities being able to defend themselves was naturaly adopted into the document.

When I said to fight of tyrany, was not necissarly a tyrant, or outside force but rather our own govt. The US govt. is based on the concept of revolution, and the peoples right to revolt. In a way, that's what we do every four years when an election comes up.

So, if ever there is a point where our govt. get's a bit to big for it's britches, the people wouldendt have to put up with it.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #55 on: 10 October 2002, 04:27 »
psyjax, that's pretty much what I was taught about it. A lot of people claim that is no longer a valid reason and believe we should lose the right. I am not one of those people.

I also found a good article the other day that broke it down and put it into the context of the times and how it relates today. I should have posted it, can probably find it again. There's a lot of *crap* out there about it, it's really hard to find a *good* article by an educated person on the subject.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #56 on: 10 October 2002, 04:38 »
I don't care how much the government tries to enforce gun control because the bottom line is, the people who shouldn't have guns(the ones to blame for even having gun control laws) will still have guns(easily accessed through the black market on the streets) and the people who actually uses a gun responsibly are the people who gets hurt by the stupid laws. With that in mind, how is gun control helping the country any? Having gun control actually makes this place more dangerous for good people because the criminals(the guys who will have the illegal guns) will be armed and the good citizens won't be armed(the good citizen won't have any form of protection). The criminals know this and love it. The government can cram thier gun control laws up thier ass for all I care.

I really hate the way that the American government strips more and more rights from us law abiding citizens every day. In my honest opinion, I don't feel that America is a free country anymore. It is turning into a communist country.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #57 on: 10 October 2002, 04:46 »
I woulden't say communist.

I think it's got a ways to go before it get's TOO unbearable, but I have faith that people aren't blind to the govt. injustices. That's the great thing about the system, if stuff is too fucked up there will usually be a vocal majority (or minority) to point it out.

Now, it's the manufactured concent of corporate oligopolies like M$ and AOL-TimeWarner that we have to worry about. These are the folks that influence our ideas more than anyone.

Scary shit.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #58 on: 10 October 2002, 04:51 »
Here in Indiana you can get arrested and thrown in jail for throwing a cigarette butt out your car window(it is a class B felony I think, it may be a class C though). A class B felony is up there with involuntary manslaughter...a class B felony for throwing a cigarette butt out the window. How can something like that be treated like a severe crime? Now tell me that this country isn't turning communist. ;P


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #59 on: 10 October 2002, 05:04 »
We need Rush Limbaugh for president and Zombie for vice president. That'll straighten them out!

Seriously, I agree completely with your views on this Zombie.
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