Author Topic: "serial sniper"  (Read 6607 times)

Master of Reality

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #60 on: 10 October 2002, 05:10 »
Originally posted by Calum:
right. several things.

this shooting is sick and deserves a really nasty punishment.

this will get turned into a 'war on terrorism' issue, if it possibly can

this IS a gun control issue, whether you choose to ignore that fact or not

it is in no way 'neat' or 'cool' or anything of the sort.

Also, how do you know that these shootings are the same guy if they haven't caught him? might be some weird cult all killing different people at arranged times... i heard that there were several different weapons involved (but that several of the killings had been made using the same gun).

You can tell if bullets came from the same gun by the markings on the bullet. It is highly unlikely that two guns would place the exact same markings on a bullet. I heard that there was 8 killings with the same rifle and therefore would most likely be the same person.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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'It takes more than a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob'


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #61 on: 10 October 2002, 05:12 »
Originally posted by void main:
We need Rush Limbaugh for president and Zombie for vice president. That'll straighten them out!

Seriously, I agree completely with your views on this Zombie.

Ahh the jaged wing on your right shoulderblade is spread wide.

While I calmly fold up both my moderate wings.

Or something metaporical like that  :D

Master of Reality

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #62 on: 10 October 2002, 05:18 »
Originally posted by void main:
And your truck control example is a good example. But it doesn't work when people blatently break those laws in order to kill someone. No amount of truck control will prevent road rage (road rage may only be an American thing).

A justified argument for gun control is one similar to your truck example. Laws that make sure legal gun owners keep there gun in a locked safe so kids can't accidentally get into them and play cowboys and indians thinking they have a toy gun. Of course if a kid's dad breaks the law and leaves his gun out a kid could still die playing with it.

This example is a clear case of someone breaking the law. Last time I checked murder is against our laws. People who break the law will get a gun anyway. I hate for the day to come that only the criminals in our country are allowed to carry a gun.

I don't have any stats on this at my fingertips but I believe this would have been argued in the past. Without looking at those arguments in my mind it is logical if the posession of a firearm is legal, then a robber would think twice before breaking an entering a residence. If owning a gun is illegal, it's open game in the city for robbery. And just for your information, I haven't owned a gun in 20 years but I am *totally* against banning them. Let's say a robber has two houses to choose from to rob. He knows one house is owned by a person who owns a gun and he knows the second house is owned by a person who doesn't have a gun. Which one would *you* rob? Sure, the one with the most loot, I know...

Sure most robbers are dumb and won't think about this and rob anyway but some may think twice. And this is only one example of my feelings on the protection part of it. Hell, not only should it be *mandatory* that everyone have a gun (semi-joking on this one) but gun safety classes should be mandatory by all ages so the kids know the difference between a real gun and a play gun, and they will know what kind of damage a real gun can cause.

I also believe I should be allowed to hunt with a gun. I grew up on a farm. I started hunting when I was a child. Many of my friends hunted. We were taught *strict* gun safety before we were allowed to carry a gun safely.

I tell you what should be outlawed. It's those sub 10 second crotch rockets all the 18 year old kids are riding around on at 150mph in a pair of shorts and no helmet with their girl friends on the back. And I'm an avid motorcyclist.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Up here it is mandatory to take a 3 day course and a written and practical test (for safety) and then have a background check and some goverment person needs to talk to someone who knows you well before they will give you a PAL (Possesion and Aquisition License) for firearms.
You also need to take a 3 day hunter safety course and take a written and practical test to get your outdoors card (hunting license). You must get over 80% on all the tests and if you get any of the first ten questions wrong you automatically fail because they involve major safety issues.

And most gun related deaths are by suicide anyway i think its about 80%. But then again even when a pig (cop) kills someone it is called a homiced so it is really about 83% suicide. I cant remember what percent is by accident and homicide.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #63 on: 10 October 2002, 05:22 »
Originally posted by void main:
We need Rush Limbaugh for president and Zombie for vice president. That'll straighten them out!

Seriously, I agree completely with your views on this Zombie.

You know who is to blame for alot of our freedom being stripped from being able to own a gun, like making alcohol more illegal everyday, like trying to make tobaccoo prices outrageous(they already are), etc.? Alot of the stuff can be blamed on those fat swines in women prostesting groups(the ones who cry fould about guns and shit), faggot lover groups(who also cry foul about stupid stuff), and of course the government who caves into these groups.

Another thing that pisses me off about this country anymore is the hate crime and discrimination laws. I'm not a racist or anything, but it burns my britches knowing that if a white person beats up a black person it is called a hate crime and battery but if a black beats up a white it is just battery and nothing more. At work, a white person can be a hard worker and mess up one time and will get fired on the spot whereas members of other races can screw up constantly, be lazy, etc. and not get fired because the job knows they will cry that the job is discriminating them. Other races think it is ok to say bad things about white people, they call us honkeys, rednecks, hillbillies, crackers, etc. even in thier music and the media says nothing about it...but if a white person says anything slang about another race in a song the media cries foul that it shouldn't be on an album and it gets yanked from the shelves.

The way it is nowadays in America, Caucasions are the most discriminated race there is. That is no bullshit either.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Master of Reality

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #64 on: 10 October 2002, 05:24 »
i believe that... equal rights my ass.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #65 on: 10 October 2002, 05:29 »
Originally posted by psyjax:

Ahh the jaged wing on your right shoulderblade is spread wide.

While I calmly fold up both my moderate wings.

Or something metaporical like that   :D  

Damn right. Actually today's right wing is really closer to the middle and the left wing is *extremely* left. In what we call left and right wing today I believe are both left, right wing just not as far.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #66 on: 10 October 2002, 06:34 »
Oh where do i start?   :D      
1)Fox news sucks. Basically it is a 24 hour tabloid. But, then again look who is running it. lol When news attacks...Of course, the only thing all cable news networks are good for is the talking head shows. I surf the web for news. The BBC site is a good one.
2)I don't think this guy is al queda or some muslim/arab terrorist. Just a nut with a gun. Even if the perp turns out to be muslim and/or arab that means nothing really. I could introduce you to a few christian nuts that will probably be on the news next. BTW, do they have any new clues on Eric Rudolph(abortion/olympic park bomber) or are those types of terrorists not in vogue right now?
3)Gun control legislation is feel good, but ultimately nobody is safer. I lived in the 'hood when i was in college and i will bet you that over 99% of those guns were illegal. So, how does that make me safer? Would gun control people be happier if criminals used a truck bomb instead? At least if legal citizens have a firearm, then they have some self-defense. The police aren't going to be at your doorstep every moment to make sure you are okay.
4)I agree that there is no such thing as a "hate" crime. People have the right to be as ignorant as they want to be, but if you injure or kill someone else for reasons other than self-defense, it is a crime. Doesn't matter what color you are or what you might have been thinking.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #67 on: 10 October 2002, 06:38 »
Hey, it's my favorite "lefty". How ya been Kat?    I actually agree with all of your points. But I still like to watch FOX News. It's just plain entertaining. And I know when they say they are "fair and balanced" they aren't kidding anyone, including me.
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Master of Reality

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #68 on: 10 October 2002, 06:50 »
He left the death tarot card and called himself god... i would tell mroe but i gotta fix my bass.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #69 on: 10 October 2002, 07:16 »
I seriously doubt that this bastard has anything to do with Middle Eastern terrorists.  He's a nut. That's all.

But he can and probably will do a lot to contribute to the continuing erosion of America's civil liberties and our constitutional rights. The 2nd Amendment had a lot to do with the idea of empowering the people and giving them the power to oust a government they felt did not represent them.  Remember that they had just fought to free themselves of a monarchy which they felt did not properly represent them.  And they used their weapons to do it.  It also had a lot to do with the very basic right to self-defense.  There was a lot of fear in those days of a powerful central government.  Think of the wording of the 10th Amendment:

"The  powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

In other words, ONLY the powers specifically given to the Federal government by the Constitution were permitted to the Federal Government. The States were given all powers that were not prohibited them specifically be the Constitution.  They were prohibited from infringing on the right (of the people) to keep and bear arms.  All other powers belonged to the states or the people.  

Where in the body of the Constitution is the Federal government given the power to regulate traffic laws?  Yet they are now in the process of coercing the states to reduce DWI limits to .08.  Where does the Constitution authorize HUD?  What about Federal Commercial Drivers' Licenses for intra-state trucking? How many ways has the 4th Amendment been compromised since 9-11?  The 9th Amendment is now no more than a footnote; more or less forgotten in that the Constitution's guarantees are seen as more of an upper limit on out rights rather than a base line.

But here's how it happens.  People are upset by something.  Domestic violence, DWI tragedies, shooting deaths, whatever.  They become afraid and DEMAND that the government do soemthing to protect them.  They are more than willing to give up a bit more of their freedom and beg and pray that Big Brother protect them.  I get upset with our representatives in Washington, but I've developed more disgust with my fellow American citizens who are not willing to fend for themselves or take risks and will shout and scream to their elected representatives and demand that their liberties be limited or lost for a tiny bit of perceived safety.

The same kind of jerks that want "trusted OS's" and Palladium and DMCA and etc.  Weak, cowardly fools.

Just my $.02

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #70 on: 10 October 2002, 07:21 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk :
I think we should nuke 95% of the middle east, and leave Israel (a.k.a "Little America") to govern the whole thing (that will be just a big nuclear waste territory)! Yay!

Oh, and don't call me "anti-american" or "anti-israeli."

I lived in Israel for a pretty long while, and am now an American citizen. But these are the simple facts.

The headline tommorow on your local news station - "America Says 'Fuck Off' To The World."

Ok, i have to say something about this. I don't know what your beef is with Muslims or Arabs and really i don't care either. To say that we should nuke an area and kill people who have done nothing is simply evil. I don't care what your excuse is. Don't label a group for the actions of a few. As an American, i want no association with Israel. They are a foreign nation. Let them fend for themselves. What frightens me is that 9/11 let all the bigots out of the closet. May God help all of those who look 'suspect' if there is another al-queda attack. Most of the problems the US has in the middle east aren't due to "evil muslims", but rather due to piss poor foreign policy. But, this administration like past ones would rather people scapegoat someone else. I mean seriously, who gave Saddam the bioweapons and who created Osama in the first place?


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #71 on: 10 October 2002, 07:21 »
Well this is my take. If your born non-white you can cry foul about racism or have people favor you cuz they feel sorry for you perhaps.

The advantage to being white is that your safer from violent racists and regular racists(discrimination) in general. Just because your employer will let you get away with more crap doesn't mean that you won't encouter plenty of discrimination that can't be solved by going to one of those racial watchdog groups.

Now it's possible that there could be alot of white discrimination that isn't known about because no one talks about it, but who knows.

Summary, I'll be a wigger wannabe or is that a wannabe wannabe of a wigger.  ;)
Errr actually I just like rap music, so that doesn't really make me a \/\/!gg3r...
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

Master of Reality

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #72 on: 10 October 2002, 07:23 »
it does sound like he is crazy.... crazy like a fox (just j/king). He left the death tarot card for police at a gas station he just shot a pump jockey at. On the card it says something like "ha police.... I am God" on it.

Master of Reality sleep now.
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'It takes more than a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob'


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #73 on: 10 October 2002, 07:27 »
Originally posted by void main:
Hey, it's my favorite "lefty". How ya been Kat?     I actually agree with all of your points. But I still like to watch FOX News. It's just plain entertaining. And I know when they say they are "fair and balanced" they aren't kidding anyone, including me.

Favorite lefty? LOL Would it kill you if i told you i was a registered Republican? Really i am more moderate than anything. I have been good, just got finished dealing with Isadore and Lili(yes i live in Louisiana). Luckily we didnt have any damage. It must have set some sort of record though, a tropical storm and a hurricane all within two weeks and both hit on a Thursday. Al-queda plot?


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #74 on: 10 October 2002, 07:28 »
Originally posted by Kat:
I mean seriously, who gave Saddam the bioweapons

C'mon Kate. Do you *seriously* think our government gave Saddam bioweapon technology? They don't need America for that. Bioweapons are not that difficult to make and they more than have the capability to research and develop their own. Now we *did* give/sell/trade conventional weapons to them. That's no secret.

and who created Osama in the first place?

I would guess his mother and father, the bin-ladens.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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