Author Topic: "serial sniper"  (Read 5279 times)


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #75 on: 10 October 2002, 07:34 »
Originally posted by Kat:
Favorite lefty? LOL Would it kill you if i told you i was a registered Republican? Really i am more moderate than anything. I have been good, just got finished dealing with Isadore and Lili(yes i live in Louisiana). Luckily we didnt have any damage. It must have set some sort of record though, a tropical storm and a hurricane all within two weeks and both hit on a Thursday. Al-queda plot?

Historically I have actually been pretty much middle of the road when it comes to politics. But I gotta tell you that changed when Clinton got elected. Him and several other dems really make me angry and have "pushed" me more to the right than anything.

As far as the hurricanes go I believe it was the Castro-Al-queda connection.     I was on the coast in Myrtle Beach, SC when Hugo rolled through. The ones you guys just got was a huge scare for New Orleans I'm sure. Those people can't take a direct hit by a big one can they?

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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"serial sniper"
« Reply #76 on: 10 October 2002, 07:35 »
Nah, I still think Kat has a valid point.

The US dosn't descriminate much when choosing friends. They choose werever the money is coming from.

Early on WWII we even helped out the Germans some. I dunno, if it's some sort of illuminati-like imperialist plot, or just a flaw in the capitolist system. In the end I think the general US policy is:

You got money? ok, well do buissness. But if you fuck with us, we bomb your ass.


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #77 on: 10 October 2002, 07:37 »
psyjax, I would agree with that. The U.S. provides arms to a *lot* of countries. Look at the F-16. There must be like 30 countries who fly them. But I can't accept that the U.S. provided bio weapons technology. Especially since we burned up our stock pile long ago.
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #78 on: 10 October 2002, 07:39 »
I'm not even going to begin describing what I think about the democratic party. I'll just sy that this country started going to hell when Clinton first got into office and things never got any better. I have to give Bush some credit, last year after the Sept. 11th attack Bush didn't hide like a coward(I'm sure Clinton would've hid in a highly secure bomb shelter and let his goons do the public speaking). I better shut-up now. ;P


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"serial sniper"
« Reply #79 on: 10 October 2002, 07:41 »
Zombie, I think we've found *one* area where we are in complete agreement. Ok, I'll shut up now too. :)
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #80 on: 10 October 2002, 08:51 »
I am so politically incompetent that I don't even get this whole left wing/right wing stuff(of course that's a good thing). Then there's things like Liberal=not all 0ldsk00l and bogged down by stupid morals that do nothing. After all, those damn baby boomers and pre-baby boomers were a bunch of blankety blanks.  ;)

Conservative is being those 0ldsk00l blankety blanks. Then there's dumb things, like democrats(liberal) being gun control dudes, thus making them stupid shitheads and making the conservative republicans be the cool ones.

Hmmm teh plot thickens. Maybe I don't know what im talking about?
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"serial sniper"
« Reply #81 on: 10 October 2002, 21:31 »
He just shot another one. And I talk to a guy on IRC daily.. He was walking home when it happened (he lives near that gas station, or something).