Author Topic: Destroy illegal downloaders' computer  (Read 3117 times)


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Destroy illegal downloaders' computer
« Reply #30 on: 2 July 2003, 14:35 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:951:
if it pulls through, i think it will affect all computer users. Until a few companies take control and sell us security like they sell us our internet connections. if the average consumer is not allowed to have the tools neccesary to protect our machines, who will have them? Fuck i hate to sound paranoid, but all i can see happening is us being monitored and controlled because of these laws. I see nothing good coming out of them.

agreed, it's all bs from some fat old fuck who thinks he is saying what he needs to, to get re-elected


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« Reply #31 on: 2 July 2003, 14:38 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:951:

do you live in america? you still believe you have rights and can make a difference? must be nice.

It's all about what you know.

I "barked off a cop" a couple of months ago, and he actually left me alone. I ended my rant with "can I go now" and he said "ya". You just have to know what 'they', "can and can't do". It's a big pile of shit, but the more you know the more you can do. Simple as that,just hit the books. Law is just a bunch of BS, kinda like computers ;)


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« Reply #32 on: 2 July 2003, 14:38 »
What can they do to force me to do something? I have my computer, I have the software and the hardware to get it working AND running a firewall... how can they possibly stop me? The only way I see is coming into my home and replacing my BIOS or Processor with one of theirs. Not that it would affect me, as I have backups of them. Seriously, how can they stop us? Other than just saying "no, you can't do that" like they do for copying music.


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« Reply #33 on: 2 July 2003, 14:42 »
Originally posted by Stryker:
What can they do to force me to do something? I have my computer, I have the software and the hardware to get it working AND running a firewall... how can they possibly stop me? The only way I see is coming into my home and replacing my BIOS or Processor with one of theirs. Not that it would affect me, as I have backups of them. Seriously, how can they stop us? Other than just saying "no, you can't do that" like they do for copying music.

YA!! that's what I'm saying (although I disagree on the music thing...but that's another story)

No one can stop us "all" from doing anything. If every computer user in the US decided to use something that was defined "wrong" there wouldn't be enough jail/prision space to hold them.

The courts would be swamped and everything would back log.

The kevin mitnick (?spelling) thing was "cute", but it was nothing more than a scare tactic.

Stay free and tell the grey hairs that don't know how it even works to stick it.

I'm out, gotta sleep :)


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« Reply #34 on: 2 July 2003, 14:45 »
Originally posted by WindowsRULES:

YA!! that's what I'm saying (although I disagree on the music thing...but that's another story)

No one can stop us "all" from doing anything. If every computer user in the US decided to use something that was defined "wrong" there wouldn't be enough jail/prision space to hold them.

The courts would be swamped and everything would back log.

The kevin mitnick (?spelling) thing was "cute", but it was nothing more than a scare tactic.

Stay free and tell the grey hairs that don't know how it even works to stick it.

I'm out, gotta sleep :)

wow, it wasn't a waste of time to read.   :eek:  

But about the music thing (as that is what this is about), what do you mean you disagree? you mean they can stop us? or you mean it isn't right? Let's hear your other story.


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« Reply #35 on: 2 July 2003, 22:42 »
Originally posted by Stryker:

wow, it wasn't a waste of time to read.    :eek:  

But about the music thing (as that is what this is about), what do you mean you disagree? you mean they can stop us? or you mean it isn't right? Let's hear your other story.


they can't stop us, but it isn't right

telling us what we can run on our machines is one story, but using it to do "bad" is wrong

I'd have no problem kicking down the door of some house where the individual was distributing child porn, but not if he is "runing a firewall, or using encryption".

The cause and effect seems to be off in the creation of most recent laws.

The main problem being that the people making the laws don't even know how to check their email. Let alone, have an understanding of what they are talking about.


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Destroy illegal downloaders' computer
« Reply #36 on: 3 July 2003, 00:11 »
Originally posted by WindowsRULES:



No one will EVER stop you from having a fire wall.

Like I said GET A GRIP!!!

Three possibilities

1) You really are an idiot.
2)  You someone in desperate need of attention who just pretends to be an idiot (i.e. a troll).
3)  You really are clueless about the legislation being proposed in this country.
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« Reply #37 on: 3 July 2003, 00:17 »
Yo know... when this thread is listed on the main page, it say "Destroy illegal downloaders". That would be pretty effetcive.

[ July 04, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]


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Destroy illegal downloaders' computer
« Reply #38 on: 3 July 2003, 00:52 »
1984, Brave New World, Equilibrium

no way can they pass a legislation making  it illegal to run a firewall  or encryption.  Privacy is still a right among my other  constitutional freedoms

 theres no way anyone is going to stop users from   using  their tools or firewalls, or  anonymous email, it  protects the user from hackers, viruses, trojans, worms, spam, etc

you  take away our rights, and you  take away  security for  america

[ July 02, 2003: Message edited by: Emiko ]

"The only thing that is impossible is the possibility of impossibility" KittySafe Ntwrk.


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« Reply #39 on: 3 July 2003, 02:57 »
It's a slippery slope. Our privacy is constantly under attack and it's mostly for BS reasons. "Marketing" or "to better serve you". Oh yeah ? Better serve me ? If you want to better serve me, keep outta my face.
Even Window$ users should be able to keep their privacy.
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.


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« Reply #40 on: 3 July 2003, 05:02 »
These politicians are such fucktards that they should not even be permitted to consider any sort of tech-related legislation.
Provos says the Michigan law also makes most of his academic career a crime. Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content. He's developed software to detect some types of stego in image files, but he's also worked the other side, developing improved methods for preventing a message from being detected. He also wrote "HoneyD," a free program that simulates a network of computers, with the aim of luring in and detecting hackers. The deceptive software arguably conceals the source of a communication.

He's quite welcome to move south to Ohio.    We'll take him, and all like him that Michigan apparantly doesn't want, and where they and their work aren't welcome. Let Michigan destroy its IT industry; that means more for us, and I won't have so far to commute to get one of those high-tech type jobs. Besides, I've been to Michigan, and it's a shit state anyway.  
It's also a crime to provide written instructions on creating such a device or program. Violators face up to four years in prison.
Apparantly, the public education system up there is so defective that they never heard of the First Amendment.  :eek:  You know, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and all that. What does it mean to "provide written instructions"? Suppose I put such instructions within a novel? Or let's say that one were to publish source code that couldn't compile as written, and left it up to the user to correct the typos? Would that constitute a "program"? Or what if I described how to do it verbally?

And just how do they intend to get any convictions? These politicians are so utterly st00pid, that anyone with even a modicum of tech-savvy is laughing at them. All it'd take is one "geek" on the jury, and it'll be a hung jury at the very least.

Then, again, what can you expect? These are the same assholes that think they can win a "War on Drugs"    
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Canadian Lover

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« Reply #41 on: 3 July 2003, 08:12 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:

It is times like this when I am GLAD to be Canadian.

Cyber death penalty. Oh, joy.

This is bullshit! The US goverment has gone way to far! Spying on people??? What the fuck?

I've also herd the US goverment is just literally picking up people from there homes and throwing to jail for no reason at all! Thank god for my title as a Canadian!


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« Reply #42 on: 3 July 2003, 21:37 »
Not sure... but I seem to remember reading, in one of those threads about firewalls being banned, that they were triyng to get them banned in Washington D.C. I could be mistaken though. But if they do... Hello goverment files...   :D
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« Reply #43 on: 3 July 2003, 21:50 »
ha ha

yeah they wanted to ban anything that would mask an IP

ie. firewalls, routers, linux, some versions of bindoze


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Destroy illegal downloaders' computer
« Reply #44 on: 3 July 2003, 10:56 »
Originally posted by Emiko:
1984, Brave New World, Equilibrium

no way can they pass a legislation making  it illegal to run a firewall  or encryption.  Privacy is still a right among my other  constitutional freedoms

I agree with your ideas but privacy is NOT a constitutional freedom.  Read the bill of rights again.    

Anti-firewall laws or anti-encryption laws, while being very bad ideas and against the ideals of America, do not violate the letter of the constitution.

[ July 03, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

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