These politicians are such fucktards that they should not even be permitted to consider any sort of tech-related legislation.
Provos says the Michigan law also makes most of his academic career a crime. Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content. He's developed software to detect some types of stego in image files, but he's also worked the other side, developing improved methods for preventing a message from being detected. He also wrote "HoneyD," a free program that simulates a network of computers, with the aim of luring in and detecting hackers. The deceptive software arguably conceals the source of a communication.
He's quite welcome to move south to Ohio.
We'll take him, and all like him that Michigan apparantly doesn't want, and where they and their work aren't welcome. Let Michigan destroy its IT industry; that means more for us, and I won't have so far to commute to get one of those high-tech type jobs. Besides, I've been to Michigan, and it's a shit state anyway.
It's also a crime to provide written instructions on creating such a device or program. Violators face up to four years in prison.
Apparantly, the public education system up there is so defective that they never heard of the First Amendment. :eek: You know, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and all that. What does it mean to "provide written instructions"? Suppose I put such instructions within a novel? Or let's say that one were to publish source code that couldn't compile as written, and left it up to the user to correct the typos? Would that constitute a "program"? Or what if I described how to do it verbally?
And just how do they intend to get any convictions? These politicians are so utterly st00pid, that anyone with even a modicum of tech-savvy is laughing at them. All it'd take is one "geek" on the jury, and it'll be a hung jury at the very least.
Then, again, what can you expect? These are the same assholes that think they can win a "War on Drugs"
Live Free or Die: Linux
"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck