Author Topic: And the Stupidity award goes to......  (Read 1204 times)


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« on: 15 September 2003, 06:42 »

The guy who wrote that is a stupid idiot.
The article is a waste of web space, bandwidth, time, money, and energy. Why are there so many idiots in this world?????


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #1 on: 15 September 2003, 07:24 »
A license to use the internet? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
That is a good one. That guy uses the requirement of getting a car license as a reason why we should need a license for the internet.

That is utterly ridiculous. When you get behind the wheel of a car/small truck you are controlling a potential bullet. When you get behind the wheel of a large truck you are controlling a potential crusher/destruction device. When you get behind the wheel of a Semi you are controlling a potentially very hard to stop destruction device. etc. To drive a vehicle a person should at least know how to drive it properly and they should know how to properly identify and know how to handle various different road signs. The difference between following the directions of a sign and dis-regarding it or not knowing what the sign means can make the difference between life and death for yourself, other motorists and innocent pedestrians.

When you catch a virus you run the risk of your OS(software) being killed which calls for a simple format and re-installation of the OS and you risk losing personal files(which should be burned to a CD before you do the format) don't run the risk of killing yourself and other people. There is a big differnce between the lives of living beings and the life of data(software is nothing more than data that is read by your machine). Data can be replaced if it is killed(wiped out), lives can't be replaced.

To make a long story short, his drivers license analogy is stupid.

Now I don't see anything wrong with pursuing legal action and slapping huge fines on virus writers, online identity thiefs, people who use malicious scripts on thier sites and all other cyber terrorists. I don't see anything wrong with slapping fines on people who are knowingly  spreading viruses.

I do think that people should have a manditory course load up(and can't be closed out...not even with ALT+F4 or the Task Manager) the first time they ever use thier brand new store bought computer that will give them a heads up about how to keep thier machine more secure.

For mission critical systems, the owner(s) of the system(s) should not hire an incompitent administrator. They should hite a very qualified administrator who knows his shit about keeping computers secure. The admin should be able to properly maintain any OS(Windows, anything that uses a Linux kernel, Unix, BSD, etc.). The companies who use a mission critical system but hire a less than qualified admin to save money should not be legally able to have a business that uses machines considered mission critical(like a power plant, like airlines, etc.).

[ September 14, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #2 on: 15 September 2003, 21:05 »
Why are there so many idiots in this world?????

Because their parents were idiots.


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #3 on: 15 September 2003, 10:34 »
Mandatory education to be online? At many jobs here in Sweden it
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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #4 on: 15 September 2003, 10:58 »
Great just what the world needs, more brearuacracy getting in the way of everything we do.  All in the name of big business media corps too.


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #5 on: 15 September 2003, 14:59 »
Originally posted by Macman:

Because their parents were idiots.

They should require a license to reproduce though, I see much more benefit coming from this  :rolleyes:
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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #6 on: 15 September 2003, 15:09 »
LOL...actually, my server (Kornet!!!) is resonsible for many virusses that invaded me prior to giving in and firewalling EVERYTHING!!!  Ahhh gone are the days when virus scanning in active mode was server allows those third party port scanz from less than reputable if any of you come to Korea...DON"T GET KORNET!!!!  I could go into more detail about what all happened, just know that they truly emulate the "We don't Care" attitude of major corps nowadays
Quote from: "Orethrius"
After all, running Windows without a decent anti-virus is like walking through a Red Light District after eating five metric tonnes of Viagra.


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #7 on: 16 September 2003, 03:13 »
Some colleges and universities are already being didactic about safe computing.

lol....this is my favorite. College and University Campus all across the US are Only kissing the asses of the Morons at the computing my
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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #8 on: 16 September 2003, 04:01 »
how about this.  Instead of making everyone get a license to have or do something.  We just let the people who are incapable of doing what they want to do properly, wipe themselves out with viruses.  And the people who should have kids but do will not have enough money so they will starve.  This way we can slowly eliminate stupid people.

How's them Apples?

P.S. I would never want to think of people dying and stuff like this.  But it would be nice if the so called "lowest common denominator" of society would disappear so they would stop ruining stuff for people who know what they are doing.


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #9 on: 16 September 2003, 04:48 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
P.S. I would never want to think of people dying and stuff like this.  But it would be nice if the so called "lowest common denominator" of society would disappear so they would stop ruining stuff for people who know what they are doing.

By "lowest common denominator" who are "ruining stuff for people who know what they are doing" I assume you mean conservatives. Although I do actually like to think about them dying.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #10 on: 16 September 2003, 04:58 »
Oh god, can we please not bring politics into these forums ?  I think mes's biggest problem is that a lot of its users are living in the UK and Canada.

Just out of curiousity ( please be honest ) how many of you smoke ?

Anyways, yes i agree the author of that article needs a big stupidity award.
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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #11 on: 16 September 2003, 05:01 »
Originally posted by flap:

By "lowest common denominator" who are "ruining stuff for people who know what they are doing" I assume you mean conservatives. Although I do actually like to think about them dying.

I'll agree with Mushroomprince here. I'm not fond of conservatives myself, but what does this have to do with this topic?


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #12 on: 16 September 2003, 05:18 »
I just find it ironic when conservatives come out with that kind of elitist comment. The "stupid" people he's referring to (I don't think he's talking about middle class journalists writing moronic articles) are actually pretty harmless, and if you're going to start talking about groups of people society would be better off without, then the right-wing middle/ruling-class should be where you start.

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: flap ]

"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #13 on: 16 September 2003, 05:42 »
Originally posted by flap:
I just find it ironic when conservatives come out with that kind of elitist comment. The "stupid" people he's referring to (I don't think he's talking about middle class journalists writing moronic articles) are actually pretty harmless, and if you're going to start talking about groups of people society would be better off without, then the right-wing middle/ruling-class should be where you start.

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: flap ]

Good point. But what makes you think that he will remain harmless? With shit like the Patriot Act, I wouldn't be surprised if that 'middle class' journalist gets his wish, whether the Bush regime actually hear him or not.


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And the Stupidity award goes to......
« Reply #14 on: 16 September 2003, 10:45 »
Just a thought to add on to my own.  I think 'Viper' said that we should prosecute virous writers and other 'cyber terrorists.'

First off there is no such thing as a cyber terrorist.  That whole deffinition is complete fiction pumped by the american media.

As for virous writers/skript kiddes etc....

Why charge them.  Its not their fault that a giant manopoly has created shitty software and illiterate people now have this software.

Windows needs alot of attention.  Thats just a fact!  If these same people, the ones that don't know anything about computers, were running a mac, Linux and/or some form of BSD, then those same virii attacks just wouldn't happen!

Its not the fault of the consumer, nor is it the fault of the virus writers, Kiddiots etc....

It is the fault of major goverments, polotics and corperations!  Windows breaks down, which means it provides jobs for people to fix them.  It makes money for intel because each new relase of windows NEEDS bigger hardware!  It also makes money for the AV vendors because windows is so wonderfully buggy!

There is an entire buissness modle around the wintopian sociaty.  One that linux would eliminate because linux, BSD & OSX is more secure, stable and can run in older hardware.  So why punning those virous writers for the on going politics of the goverment and corperation?

Pluse every county has their black hats! As long as a country has a system of goverment and things are run by computer technology then those countrys will also have their own black hat army.  So anti hacking laws just don't make sence!  if those laws did exsist then little ol' ashcroft over there is in a whole heap of trouble!
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.