It's not mine, It's the family comp(Still live with my parents, hehe)
I'm getting a job soon. Which is good. I'll build one or get a Mac.
Macs are expensive here( A g4 700mhz with a nvidia 32mb card was like $2000 0_O )
I really want a mac, they seem cool. And I've never been too pro-mac because I never used one(But I got some Aqua style XP themes and I have a Aqua theme for Gnome) But macs seem awesome, my comp class teacher is pro-mac. The Poor thing has to use Windoez on school, which makes him go crazy, when people ask him why he doesn't know how to use windoez software correctly he tells em he uses an Apple iMac, and they start laughing and say "Well, I use a Banana SuperPC, HAHAHHAHAHAHA".
Seriously, People there think they're good with Comps. I've seen this site of a girl. Horrible. And she uses I.E standards 0_O, poor thing... And when I tell em I use linux, then they say, "WTF is that? Is it form Microsoft" I tell em' it's an OS based on unix, then they say "what's unix???" That's an OS that was very popular before M$ coquered the market and once this guy said "Didn't microsoft invent computers?" And I allmost wanted to punch him.
Damn... I allways go off topic...
Anyway... Windoez sucks.
Please don't start, XPiss user 696969, I allready know that ix86 technology is superior to Macintosh and that Windows XP is much better than any Unix OS.