Author Topic: windows...  (Read 870 times)

s0n of g0d

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« on: 7 March 2002, 03:24 »
i know fuckin windows is a sack of shit but what is the best OS system?

and what is the minimum system requierments for xp?


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« Reply #1 on: 7 March 2002, 08:24 »
Originally posted by s0n of g0d:
i know fuckin windows is a sack of shit but what is the best OS system?

and what is the minimum system requierments for xp?

It depends what you want to do with your OS. As far as I know XP asks for too much.


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« Reply #2 on: 8 March 2002, 04:44 »
This is my all time favorite question.  What is the best operating system?  Lets see what runs the worlds most powerful computers?  O...AIX!!!!  IBM rules for AIX and their current Linux development.  but in all honesty there is not best.  Ask people what there favorite color is and youll get all sorts of fucked up replies with people talking shit on each other and what not.  It always comes down to personal preference.  refraise the question so we know what you are looking for like pretty buttons or command line stuff or easy install and configure scripts or whatever and someone can definetely give you an answer.  But if you want to be fucking tough install slackware.
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« Reply #3 on: 8 March 2002, 04:50 »
This is my all time favorite question.  What is the best operating system?  Lets see what runs the worlds most powerful computers?  O...AIX!!!!  IBM rules for AIX and their current Linux development.  but in all honesty there is not best.  Ask people what there favorite color is and youll get all sorts of fucked up replies with people talking shit on each other and what not.  It always comes down to personal preference.  refraise the question so we know what you are looking for like pretty buttons or command line stuff or easy install and configure scripts or whatever and someone can definetely give you an answer.  But if you want to be fucking tough install slackware.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people?

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« Reply #4 on: 8 March 2002, 15:29 »
no no no!
the question isn't 'what's yr favourite?', it's 'what's the best?'  :D  
Well then, let's see, which one's the best.... ?
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« Reply #5 on: 8 March 2002, 20:44 »
Originally posted by Calum:
no no no!
the question isn't 'what's yr favourite?', it's 'what's the best?'   :D  
Well then, let's see, which one's the best.... ?

If he dosn't write back I guess I'm just gonna go with my fav. comp. the Mac wooooo....

But then again, it depends what you are looking for.


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« Reply #6 on: 10 March 2002, 10:23 »
MS's minimum sys reqs for XP are total BS. There is no way in hell you can run winXP on they 64megs of RAM they say in the minimum. 128 is pushing it. 256 is the sweet spot, IMO. Also, MS says you only need a P1, also BS. I'd say a P2 of at least 300Mhz. I ran XP on a 433 Celeron with 128megs of RAM and it dogged tho.

Overall, prolly the best all around best windows OS is win2k. Its more stable than Win9x, decent gaming support, and does not by 51% of your soul. Unless you have some older DOS apps you want to run, use win2k. WinXP handles DOS apps better than win2k. Also, you could dual boot win98 and win2k, if you wanted to run those DOS apps.


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« Reply #7 on: 11 March 2002, 06:20 »
Wow I can hardly imagine M$ would tell a fib like that about their hardware rec's.....I mean thats just not like M$ to do something like tah...  :D    :D
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