Author Topic: Bullshit Blizzard antics  (Read 1446 times)


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« on: 8 April 2003, 05:58 »
My brother's Warcraft III cd became scratched to the point where it is no longer readable.  This is a shame since we like playing together on  Not wanting to pay 40-50 bucks for another cd I tried making a copy for him using my warcraft 3 cd but the stupid safedisc (safe from what??) crap keeps foiling me.  Has anyone had any success copying copy-protected cds using cdrdao or other such programs on Linux?  I have a feeling there are a few settings I need to tweak and then it'll work.


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #1 on: 8 April 2003, 06:04 »
well, i have yet to burn a cd under linux, so i'll be no help to you there...

however, you could just find a cracked exe file (bnet safe) and 'fix' the game...

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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #2 on: 8 April 2003, 06:11 »
on my Mac Toast copied it fine and on my PC Nero copied it fine.  I did however, like Siplus said, needed to get a cracked .exe file.  I got mine from


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #3 on: 8 April 2003, 06:18 »
Well I could copy it fine, but it wouldn't run for some reason.  I think I need to crack the file like you said.  Can I still play it on Bnet if I use these?


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #4 on: 8 April 2003, 07:16 »
you should be able to. try to find a crack for war3. they will usually say bnet crack or somthing like that for blizzard games. you should be able to play it on bnet as long as you have the newest version

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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #5 on: 8 April 2003, 08:01 »
Folks! Your going about this all wrong.

Just call Blizzard customer support. They will give you an adress to which you can ship the damaged product, they will send you a new OFFICIAL copy.

I have done this before, all they ask is like 3bucks shipping (and that's if you want it rush delivered.

Blizzard is a good company, don't pirate them.


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #6 on: 8 April 2003, 08:24 »
The whole concept of copy protection is bullshit.  The best thing about digital technology is that it promises to make it easy for everyone to copy and share information.  Blizzard is being obstructive with this policy.  It also clearly hurts people who have no interest in "pirating" the game since that isn't what I'm doing.  I just wanted to  make a backup copy, and I don't think I should have to go crawling to some company for another CD like it is some physical commodity.  Since when it is against the law to make backup copies?  Also did you know that safedisc impairs the performance of games by up to 20+ percent?  And seeing as how you need a unique cd key to play the game on bnet, copy "protection" seems rather pointless in this case.  Blizzard is a good company in the sense that they make good games, but that's it.  Their business model still relies on obstruction and intimidation.  Don't tell me I'm "cheap" either because I payed 60 dollars for Warcraft 3, and my bro paid another 60.  I don't think I should be handed a crippled CD for that kind of money, do you?

I would also ask that you avoid using the word "pirate" and "piracy" in the future.  When you use words like that to describe illegal copying, it looks like you're implying that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them.

If you don't believe that illegal copying is just like kidnapping and murder, then don't use the word ``piracy'' to describe it. Use a neutral term like ``prohibited copying'' or ``unauthorized copying.''  And some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as ``sharing information with your neighbor.''

edit: Actually, it *is* against the law to make a backup copy of a program if you have to circumvent a copy protection scheme to do so.  Credit goes to the DMCA for this, of course.

[ April 07, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #7 on: 8 April 2003, 08:34 »
Having said that, I do think I'll take your advice and call Blizzard and tell them what happened, see if I can mail them the CD to have it replaced.

Thanks psyjax.     I just get angry with stuff like this sometimes.


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #8 on: 8 April 2003, 21:18 »
no prob.  :D

But even you once said that games are a bit diffrent from "usefull" programms when it comes to OpenSourcing. I mean games depend on the revenu generated from licencing, kinda like movies the diffrence between movies and documentries.

Movies are like games, it depends on fans shelling out dough for the ticket, documentries are ment to be heard by as many as posible in order to make an impact money or not.... at least something like that  :D

That's why id and Bungie don't mind releasing their engines under Open licencing, but damn, they ain't giving away the actual game! That's what they are selling.


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #9 on: 8 April 2003, 16:08 »
no. games are not different from "useful" programs in any way. and the word 'purate' is not acceptable for any type of software or music copying.

that said i agree that a company that is making an effort to be decent probably deserves a bit of consideration over other companies who don't care so long as they make money.
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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #10 on: 9 April 2003, 03:25 »
People have abused Blizzard so much because the company is so nice. For years people hacked and all Blizzard did was issue statements urging them to stop. I guess this proves that people stink and if you happened to be a nice person you will get trampled. Blizzard is pissed now. They are banning thousands of Warcraft III accounts at a time now.


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #11 on: 9 April 2003, 07:44 »
ya, they make good games, but many people seem to find a way to drain all of the fun out of them when playing on bnet (character 'trainers' come to mind from diablo 1 and 2....)

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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #12 on: 9 April 2003, 08:04 »
I haven't witnessed a lot of warcraft 3 hacking lately, the occasional map hacker but that's about it.  When there's a map hacker on my team (they usually brag about it) I tend to backstab him out of spite   :cool:


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #13 on: 9 April 2003, 14:38 »


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Bullshit Blizzard antics
« Reply #14 on: 9 April 2003, 16:07 »
Hey Warcraft III people, what are your bnet names? I'll add you to my friends list. Mine's Darth_Bob.