Hello, all,
I was wondering about how far in the past other people distrusted MS.
My distrust already started in 1990, the year I got my first job. I worked for a small company, we sold PC's with Autocad, Novell networks, and Mac's for graphics applications.
In the hall hung a small plastic tab with on it : Microsoft Authorised Dealer, underneath it BG's signature.
Soon after that however, I noticed that this did not mean much. To be Compaq and Apple dealer, however, required training courses and so on, so this did mean much more.
We also had choice from three OS's at that time. We used Compaq-DOS 3.31, which could address large partitions or IBM-DOS 3.30. We didn't touch DOS 4.0 with a stick because of the instabilities.
I tried Win 2.0, but it did not make 2 weeks on my PC. In the beginning of 1991 Win 3.0 came out, but it also did not stay for more than two weeks on my PC.
I went for another job, and I could always settle with DR-DOS and WordPerfect products. I got annoyed when Microsoft started buying small companies which provided add-on products. I think that is because I thought it was not fair against people who did not want to run MS software.
I got really mad when FoxPro sold their soul to the devil himself. That must have been 1993 or 1994.
I have always been happy to evade MS products. I used DR-DOS and WP, later on OS/2, for most documents I could get by with LaTeX, since 1998 I have been using Linux.
Are there people who have similar stories in space and time ?