Author Topic: They're celebrating in the Arab World  (Read 2350 times)


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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #30 on: 16 December 2002, 21:24 »
The reason for Israel playing in the UEFA cup is they are afraid of their neighbours. So they play in european football championships, which I find very curious since they do not play in Israel but in Cyprus or Italy.

No, Israel was yet another mistake by England (please note, not Britain, can
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #31 on: 16 December 2002, 14:02 »
I always thought the Euro was a good idea, all except for the name. They should have come up with some cool-sounding acronym or something, like ILT (Internation Legal Tender). They should have hired someone from CFPWLTULOAFEC (Club For People Who Like To Use Lots Of Acronyms For Everything Club) to come up with a name. Or how about the nonsense name like "the Nergleperker" or "the NobbleKobble". Or maybe even a French word that no one knows like "the Merde". Instead of saying, "I only have two Euros, sorry," you would say, "I only have two Merdes, sorry."

If we want to form a more complete world government someday then Europe shouldn't single itself out like that.


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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #32 on: 16 December 2002, 16:00 »
er if they are hald white and half arab, wouldn't that mean that %50 of the children will be white and %50 be arab? or did i misinterprate my highschool biology class
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #33 on: 16 December 2002, 16:33 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
er if they are hald white and half arab, wouldn't that mean that %50 of the children will be white and %50 be arab? or did i misinterprate my highschool biology class

Maybe they will look like Michael Jackson?  :D    :D    :D
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous


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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #34 on: 16 December 2002, 22:29 »
Originally posted by cahult:
The reason for Israel playing in the UEFA cup is they are afraid of their neighbours. So they play in european football championships, which I find very curious since they do not play in Israel but in Cyprus or Italy.

No, Israel was yet another mistake by England (please note, not Britain, can
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #35 on: 17 December 2002, 07:03 »
This is a rough presentation of the history of the Middle East:

At the beginning of the 1900
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous


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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #36 on: 19 December 2002, 01:52 »
You also need to realize that at that current point in history, many were in favor for the creation of Israel, a Jewish Homeland, out of sympathy for what happened during WWII.
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #37 on: 19 December 2002, 08:39 »
Ah, so that's how the story begun!
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #38 on: 19 December 2002, 11:46 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
You also need to realize that at that current point in history, many were in favor for the creation of Israel, a Jewish Homeland, out of sympathy for what happened during WWII.

Oh yes, the jews will never let the world forget what happened in WW2. That was a horrible thing but what has happened in the region since 1948 is just a continuation of the concentration camps, but on a larger and milder scale.

It seems to me jews are like the monkeys in that saying "Monkey see, monkey do". By this I mean that they are copying what the nazis did. The palestinian suicide bombers didn
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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #39 on: 19 December 2002, 13:26 »
that's a very racist thing to say. It would be like me saying that americans are all gun happy, environmental polluting, welfare cutting assclowns who can't read or talk properly just because those in control of their country are.

I am sure that there are many jews who do not think the same way as the influential leaders of israel. Perhaps it's even a majority, like the majority that DIDN'T vote for Bush, to carry through my comparison of the two nations.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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They're celebrating in the Arab World
« Reply #40 on: 19 December 2002, 23:23 »
Originally posted by Calum:
that's a very racist thing to say. It would be like me saying that americans are all gun happy, environmental polluting, welfare cutting assclowns who can't read or talk properly just because those in control of their country are.

I am sure that there are many jews who do not think the same way as the influential leaders of israel. Perhaps it's even a majority, like the majority that DIDN'T vote for Bush, to carry through my comparison of the two nations.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Last time I checked, Israel is a democracy (well, if you're a jew - if you're an Arab it's a dictatorship). That means that at least 50% of the jews is in favor of the current regime - or, in other words, are in favor of the racism carried out by the Israeli governement. More importantly, far less than 50% of them are against it, since 50% is enough to at least make yourself heard a *lot*.
This is of course not by far all jews, but *almost* all Israeli jews are guilty. And that is a lot.
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A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall