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« Reply #30 on: 30 August 2002, 18:50 »
I'm waiting........................
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« Reply #31 on: 30 August 2002, 18:56 »
Creedon I owe you an apology for my first post because I misread the one where you clarify your remarks. No insult intended, really. I know you're not a racist, so using this word was a bit harsh on you. Again I apologize to you but I've seen a lot of injustice against people from other countries, so I guess that makes me a bit jumpy and hot-headed sometimes. As for sporkme/bob, he didn't have to use that kind of language against me   ;)  

P.S. I'm really happy that you know the meaning of the words Bolshevik and Menshevik.

[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: Pantso ]


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« Reply #32 on: 30 August 2002, 19:06 »
You've met Aleksandr Kerenski? You must have met him in the U.S. Tell me more about that!


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« Reply #33 on: 30 August 2002, 20:37 »
Originally posted by Pantso:
You've met Aleksandr Kerenski? You must have met him in the U.S. Tell me more about that![/QUOTE
I was in High School, on a field trip to New York City.  He was at the United Nations Plaza, and our teacher recognized him; she went up to him and explained we were history students, and he came over and spoke to us, and introduced himself to each of us; a very nice gentleman that history has given less credit than he deserved.  He told us that we were living in a time where we had to know history to understand the present; he didn't speak of the Russian revolution, but he looked rather sad when he spoke about the lessons of history.
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« Reply #34 on: 30 August 2002, 21:57 »
Now, now, now, so we are good at computers but not at english hey

Well... once in awhile I come across these wierd English words. Although I speak/write pretty good English. I remember yesterday I was looking at this site called Virtual Naval Hospital, which is sorta like an online medic's handbook. Never before had I seen so many bizarre words I've never heard of.  ;)

Oh im not sure im so good at computers. Im far better then a mass market outhouse resident, but I have much to learn.

Ok let's get back to discussing cool things. Like is Creedon a huge tub of lard, very big boned/lots of muscle under fat, or a little of both.  

Or what about this. Why is MSE the only technical place on the internet where you come across droves of old people.  :D
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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« Reply #35 on: 30 August 2002, 23:22 »

Ok let's get back to discussing cool things. Like is Creedon a huge tub of lard, very big boned/lots of muscle under fat, or a little of both.       :D  [/QB]
40 years of splitting firewood, plowing, pulling stumps, etc, etc; you tell me.
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« Reply #36 on: 31 August 2002, 17:41 »
by pantso:
I've thrown stones and molotov bombs against racist groups!

ohhh, that is quite constructive!  even more so than bad language!

like it or not (i don't like it), the KKK is allowed to hold peaceful rallies here, in a free country, and you would have been arrested for assault/attempted murder there... it is the politically correct thing to do.

it really pissed me off that you got all pissed off... i'll drop it now, but dont harp on people for making an accidental remark that could be skewed as non-pc... this is one of the most politically incorrect boards out there

also, i insult everyone, so it was no special prevailage

and i apologize

[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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« Reply #37 on: 2 September 2002, 19:08 »
Oohh! And I suppose that you, my American friend, will teach me the meaning of the term "politically correct". Tell me, is it politically correct to bomb countries and innocent people all over the world in the name of world peace? Who are you to decide what is for the world's benefit when at the same time your government decides not to participate in the world enviromental summit? Do you know that your country pollutes the enviroment with rates three times higher than the rest of the world? Is that politically correct?

When I said that I've thrown molotov bombs against racists, I meant that I've come head to head with them. And believe me, it's the racists groups that are more provocative. And don't try to tell me that the KKK holds peaceful rallies where you come from. We all know what the KKK did in the 50's and 60's against black people under the tolerance of the authorities.

Please don't talk to me about what is politically correct and not. I come from the country who gave birth to the term democracy. You know the term which your country abuses on a daily basis    

P.S. Read some history you uneducated southern piece of shit (to speak in your language a bit). Did you know that your great country was founded by Europe's criminals and outcasts? Go on you mindless fuck (oops, that slipped my tongue), do you think that you're in some way superior just by being american? Fuck off, you and those like you who try to preach us about political correctness.

P.S.2 Thanks to creedon, I'm starting to change my mind about most americans.


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« Reply #38 on: 2 September 2002, 19:27 »
Let me sort this out...
You two, stop argueing like kids.

Sporkme - Stop pissing him off.
Pantso - No need to bring the american government into this. (Much as it infuriates me)

and here's three facts:

Racism sucks
Indiana isn't actually a southern state (I think)
We should not argue

[ September 02, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]

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« Reply #39 on: 2 September 2002, 19:32 »
Originally posted by Pantso:
Oohh! And I suppose that you, my American friend, will teach me the meaning of the term "politically correct". Tell me, is it politically correct to bomb countries and innocent people all over the world in the name of world peace? Who are you to decide what is for the world's benefit when at the same time your government decides not to participate in the world enviromental summit? Do you know that your country pollutes the enviroment with rates three times higher than the rest of the world? Is that politically correct?

When I said that I've thrown molotov bombs against racists, I meant that I've come head to head with them. And believe me, it's the racists groups that are more provocative. And don't try to tell me that the KKK holds peaceful rallies where you come from. We all know what the KKK did in the 50's and 60's against black people under the tolerance of the authorities.

Please don't talk to me about what is politically correct and not. I come from the country who gave birth to the term democracy. You know the term which your country abuses on a daily basis      

P.S. Read some history you uneducated southern piece of shit (to speak in your language a bit). Did you know that your great country was founded by Europe's criminals and outcasts? Go on you mindless fuck (oops, that slipped my tongue), do you think that you're in some way superior just by being american? Fuck off, you and those like you who try to preach us about political correctness.

P.S.2 Thanks to creedon, I'm starting to change my mind about most americans.

Pantso, my friend, you have to understand that the United States is rapidly becoming a fragmented society; we are a sick old man, like Turkey and the Ottoman empire at the end of the 19th century.  Our great days are behind us; we still have the might to threaten the rest of the world, but not the will.  Our generous spirit still exists in a large segment of the population, but that's not the segment that's in control; it's the money interests that control the United States now.  We've gone from "How can I help you?" to "What's in it for me?"  I'm sure that evntually, the U.S. will no longer be the main superpower in the world; we'll just be a fading corner of the world community, kind of like the old man that rages and blusters from his wheelchair.
If we do attack Iraq, we may get our nose badly bloodied.  We most definitly will have to contend with a Muslim world that hates us; I don't know if we can.
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« Reply #40 on: 2 September 2002, 19:36 »
Tux, you're right. As far as I'm concerned this thing is over. I don't like resorting in bad language and in general I don't loose my temper easily as long as some don't infuriate me by being provocative.


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« Reply #41 on: 2 September 2002, 19:40 »
Creedon hi, I didn't see your post. I shouldn't have concluded the U.S government in this but I was in a way provoked to do so. I don't have anything against Americans. In fact I have many American friends here in Athens (we have a big american community) and I also have relatives in the States. I just don't like people preaching about what's politically correct and not, let alone swearing. That's all.


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« Reply #42 on: 2 September 2002, 21:21 »
I have nothing against Americians, I greatly respect their love for Firearms and want all you rednecks to know that ya gotta fight for this right, cuz there's one too many stupid shitheads who don't like it...

Although I do like to make fun of Americans not being as smart as Canadians etc.

What I DO hate is the American government. Their the bad guys IMO.


like it or not (i don't like it), the KKK is allowed to hold peaceful rallies here, in a free country, and you would have been arrested for assault/attempted murder there... it is the politically correct thing to do.

I don't like it either, but democracy works like this. Our best protection against a Nazi regime, is to allow Neo-Nazi's to beleive what they beleive and hold peaceful rallies, as long as they don't harm anyone. If the government/police has enough power to disperse a neo-nazi rally because they don't agree with that belief, then the government/police have too much power. Ok but Neo-Nazi's=bad right? How many conservative loo-sahs would regard rallies for gays(I don't like them, but it's a free country), abortion, freedom of expression etc. as evil and bad? If the police/government can disperse the peaceful Neo-Nazi rally, they can just as easily disperse gay, abortion, freedom of expression rallies etc.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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« Reply #43 on: 3 September 2002, 00:01 »
democracy doesn't work, i'm afraid, however i have yet to see any real alternative.

i think the reason democracy doesn't work is because of a convoluted electoral process and parliamentary model. the so called united kingdon has one of the worst examples of this. because our system is so ineffective (ie about 40 percent of votes cast actually count towards the government who gets voted in, and all House of Commons decisions must be vetoed by the House of Lords, who are unelected) we happen to have about 40% of the populace don't even bother to turn up on voting day. guess which political persuasion tends to make the effort? that's right, the foaming at the mouth "i'm alright, jack" types.

Anyway, re: guns, if it was against the law to carry guns, only criminals would have them, and even then not many would. This is the case in the UK, and it holds true. in a country where guns are supposedly a right (although i have it on authority that the right to bear arms is taken out of context by most people) i hear many times about people's kids killing each other, maniacs killing dozens in schools et cetera. is this good? freewill for the nutters? you decide... or at least you do in a democracy.

VoidMain said:
 Calumn, don't confuse racism toward Russian people with being against the old communist Russian government. I don't believe race had much to do with anything there (I was in the USAF during the cold war stationed in Germany when the wall came down). I don't remember any of my buddies making racist Russian remarks nor had anything against the Russian people. Now sure the term "commie" floated around. Correct me if I am wrong but that is not a racist remark. It is a remark against a governmental persuasion.

And I knew many people of Russian and Polish decent and they were treated no differently than people of any other decent. In fact MOST Americans are decendants from Europe and other countries (most of my family came from Germany, Prussia, and a few others around 100 years ago, not that long). In fact it isn't much different than using the term "Nazi". I use that term often but I am not referring to Germans when I use it, hell I am 3/4 German. I am referring to the practices not the race.

The worst racism in America is probably toward African American people and Mexican people to a lesser extent. Now it isn't nearly as bad as it once was and I have hope that it will be a non-issue in the near future. Of course it is unlikely that racism can be wiped out completely.
I agree entirely. very good post, VoidMain.It leaves little more to be said, in my opinion...
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« Reply #44 on: 3 September 2002, 01:17 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
I have nothing against Americians, I greatly respect their love for Firearms

That's the funniest thing I've read all week.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara